Saturday, June 30, 2012

F*&%ed And Furious
It Was The Best Of Lies. It Was The Worst Of Lies.

The United States of Corporations
June 30, 2012

Pity the poor Republican’ts.  Their 2012 candidate for president created the template for the lousy Affordable Care Act that their darling Supremes fussed and fought over for months.  The Supreme Court, five of whom appointed their guy George W. Bush as the 43rd “president,” in 2010 entrenched their huge-money sugar daddies’ ability to buy elections with their inconceivable Shitizens United ruling, shot down equal pay for women and recently went even further to change the law in favor of corporate personhood.  The Republican’ts’ beloved Supreme Court that has given them just about everything they wanted, suddenly disagreed with them for the first time in a decade.  All of a sudden the Tea-Brained psychos on the Republican’t side of the aisle are railing against activist judges.  The usual suspects like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann crawled out of their padded rooms with the usual hysteria.  Rand Paul (R-Ayn Rand), reproductive spittle of Ron Paul (R-Crazytown), and fifty-one cards shy of a full deck, said, "just because a majority of the Supreme Court declares something to be "constitutional" does not make it so."  So I guess that being elected senator doesn't make you a senator.  Rush Limbaugh said he would move to Costa Rica if this happened - I hope he's got enough Viagra and Oxycontin to last a lifetime.  Maybe this will make them so angry they’ll just hold their breath, turn blue-in-the-face and suffocate themselves into oblivion.

The insurance mandate (a truly horrible idea, whose sole beneficiary is the insurance industry, but seems to be as good as it gets for American health care so far) was originally the brain child of one Richard M. Nixon in 1973, but was short-circuited by a little dust-up known as Watergate; it was revived in the 1980s by the Heritage Foundation a conservative think tank, then again in the 1990s by a host of Republican’ts including future Viagra salesman Bob Dole.  The mandate scam was resuscitated in 2006 as the foundation of the major accomplishment of Willard M. Romney, while pretending to be a liberal governor of Massachusetts.  Massachusetts currently has 98% of its residents covered by medical insurance and today Mr. Romney is more likely to strap another dog onto the roof of his car than admit his affinity for the type of socialized medicine he so proudly enacted as governor.  Perennial, pyrrhic presidential contender Romney now knows better than to let slip even the slightest policy position, lest he be caused to defend any particular viewpoint on any important issue.  He is wise to stick with The Hair as his political raison d'ĂȘtre.

A Governor and a Half: Fat and Furious

Speaking of governors running for president, New Jersey’s governor and newest county, Chris Christie has discharged more toxic emissions from the exhaust valve below his nose.  Christie, is currently fighting for New Jersey to legalize sports betting, which is against federal law.  Crisco Christie said of sports betting, “It's going on everywhere except now it's being handled by criminals who are benefitting from it. If it's going happen, let's make the conduct legal and let's make the people who participate in it comply with certain laws.” "We intend to go forward and allow sports betting to happen," Christie said. "If someone wants to stop us, then let them try to stop us."  It’s interesting that this same titanic governor and many of his colleagues think going against federal law is tantamount to treason when it comes to legalizing marijuana, or allowing already-legal abortion, gay rights and health care.  And if things keep going the way they are, be ready for slavery to make a comeback.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Chris Christie as prophetically portrayed in
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Fake and Furious

Meanwhile back in the Main Tent, the Tea Party-paralyzed Congress decided to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress for a program  -  Fast And Furious, which their own illegally appointed president began, and which the current administration shut down.  It turns out that the crime they accused Holder of overseeing never even happened.  One whistleblower who exposed the alleged gun-walking scheme was likely the only one who, against orders, allowed untraceable guns to get into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.  The desperate and certifiably insane Republican’ts, never ones to allow the facts to interfere with their witch hunts and yearning for absolute power, just won’t let go.  Now they say they’re upset because the Obama administration was withholding important documents.  Anyone remember Dick Cheney’s energy taskforce?  The one where he shut out environmental groups from discussions about energy policy then refused to hand over any information about his secret meetings?  These assholes are so pathetic they make me want to vote for Obama.

Half of these dimwits are still whining about Obama’s birth certificate when they would be better served taking a first look at The Constitution.  The Constitution that exists in their minds, including one of their biggest brains, Antonin Scalia, is little more than a fantasy of Rich Supremacy, unfettered by the imposition of the needs and rights of average people.  The current Supreme Court, generally bullied into submission by the arrogance and so-called Originalism of Scalia, who believes that he, and he alone, understands the thinking of our Founding Fathers, is merely a rubber stamp for corporate greed and stupidity.

Stay tuned for the Republican’ts offering up a constitutional amendment requiring a minimum six-to-three majority in all future Supreme Court decisions…unless they involve rescinding gay rights, human rights, civil rights, voting rights, union rights, women’s rights or decisions giving corporations more rights than real people.

I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.

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