Sunday, May 12, 2013

How Quickly They Don't Grow Up

When Paul Ryan Speaks, People (Who Paid Big Bucks To Be There) Listen…At First

May 11, 2013
Nowhere you'd want to be
Conceited and patronizing pseudo-intellectual and miserably failed vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan spoke at conservatism's ivory tower think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute recently.  Ayn Rand's prize puppy dog knows a thing or two about a thing or two, though nobody is quite sure what those things might be. That however never stops this hearty individualist from speaking out and heaping disdain on anywhere between 33% and 47% and 99% of Americans, depending on who he's talking to. These are people he considers moochers and takers for doing exactly as he did by taking advantage of socialist policies like Social Security that help buoy the least among us. Just as his hypocritical sociopathic idol Any Rand did, Ryan availed himself of our national safety net when it suited his purposes, but opposes others having the same "luxury." Sounds, oh I don't know, arrogant? Condescending? Extra-douchey?
Ryan, a pompous little weasel-in-sheep's-clothing and posing as Everyman bleated, “Progressivism is well-intentioned but it is also — in my humble opinion — arrogant and condescending.” Humble opinion? Nice try. Ryan added, “Instead of helping people make their own decisions, it makes those decisions for them. It makes Washington the center of power and politicians the center of attention.” And just what is Paul Ryan? A dock worker, farm hand, librarian, assembly line worker? Um no, he's a member of the House of Representatives. We pay his salary. So he can take swipes at most of us who are neither part of the center of power nor the center of attention.
As he desperately tries to maintain his grip on power Boy Wonder continues to appeal to his radical right wing base. He is perfectly at home with those who haven't evolved past high school, before the typical human brain becomes comfortable with high ideals, nuances philosophy and complex thought. I suppose we can take some comfort in knowing that Ryan now belongs to a club with members like Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin - failed vice presidential candidates who lasted no longer than chalk marks in a rain storm. Let him have his fun. Let him while away his time speaking trash to power. Let him dazzle an ever dwindling horde of misogynistic morons into thinking they still have what America wants. Luckily he and his homies will be relegated to the dustbin of history. But we still have to keep cleaning up after them.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Fewer elected officials welcome.


  1. Fer krissake's, Ed, i said less word cross-out jokes, not NONE. Sprinkled judiciously like fine chocolate sprinklees at a high-end frozen yogurt joint. Sheesh. Otherwise, jolly good; carry on.

  2. Oh, this is cool, I can reply to my own comment.

    Alrighty then, Scott Bostwick, if that is your real name, how dare you play games in the comment section of your good friend, Ed Venture. Perhaps you could spend your time more constructively, like donating your old worn out, ripped up clothing to the poor. They would appreciate it, I'm sure. But I'm pretty sure YOU don't have the time to sink yourself to such a pedestrian gesture. Oh......yeah!
