Friday, June 27, 2014

Science v. America's Got Talent

How Many Morons Can Dance On A Pinhead?

Land of a Thousand Dunces
June 27, 2014

I am not a man of science, but I know one personally. Unlike Republican’t politicians who insist that, because they are not scientists, science does not exist, I am choosing to delve into the world of science, if only of the political variety, to attempt to answer the age-old question: How many morons can dance on a pinhead? Here goes nothing.


“Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” Who said this and who were they talking about? Here are a few hints. First, it’s two people who said this in an op ed in the Wall Street Journal (owned by gazillionaire and international criminal Rupert Murdoch). One of these people is essentially a nobody who, had it not been for the family name, would be even less consequential than they are now, which wouldn’t be easy. We will, in the name of science, ignore the child and focus on the parent. The father in question told us things like, al Queda and Saddam Hussein are working together and teamed up on 9/11, that Saddam was “amassing [WMD] to use against our friends…and against us," and, in March of 2002, that Hussein was “actively pursuing nuclear weapons.” He later said, "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon." This bag of hate and lies in human skin also told us, four days before launching the war he had dreamed of for almost fifteen years, "I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators."

This is the same guy who outed a covert CIA operative, possibly one of this country’s most valuable assets in the Middle East, for revenge against her husband, who simply told the truth about one of the things our Mystery Moron was lying to the American public about to help start the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. In case you haven’t remembered or guessed yet, it’s none other than Dick “Go F$@k Yourself” Cheney.

Cheney, now just a shadow of his former shadow, casts a loving glance at daughter Liz

Once again he’s rearing his ugly head in an effort to defend all his lying, mayhem and murder. Not to mention is legacy - he wouldn’t want anyone to forget some of his other great deeds: waterboarding, shooting a man in the face for sport, destroying the environment for fun and profit, and killing a little girl for her heart (this has yet to be proven, but he does have her heart). And now Cheney’s dream of endless war, a dream he worked so hard to realize, is in jeopardy. Obama doesn’t seem to have the bloodlust Cheney has and seems unwilling to rush into another invasion of Iraq to clean up Cheney’s mess. According to Bill Clinton, “Mr. Cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so attacking the [Obama] administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made."

Who could blame this Dick for attacking the president at whose inauguration he refused to stand, pretending that he needed to be in a wheelchair? Was it because Obama’s middle name is Hussein? Was it because Cheney is an evil soulless bastard? Was it because he assumed Obama would dry up his take-home pay from Halliburton’s war profiteering? We’ll probably never know.

Everyone knows that Cheney was de facto president from 2001 to 2004 and that this was his war as much as anyone’s. So yes, I would agree that, “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” It just should have been said into a mirror in 2003, not in an op ed column in 2014. In Cheney’s defense, he wasn’t technically wrong in the lead up to and execution of the Iraq invasion/war/occupation…he was lying.


Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) said of Obama, “He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws, and ignoring the checks and balances. The problem is, you know, what do you do for those that say impeach him for breaking the laws or bypassing the laws. Could that pass in the House? It probably, it probably could.” Although the Republican congressman said impeachment could pass among fellow lawmakers, he didn’t think the public would be in favor of it. This of course is not an issue for Republican’ts. They don’t give a damn what the majority of Americans think.

Three? Four?

Darrell Issa: Asshole and in control

Serial car thief, suspected arsonist and petty tyrant House Oversight Committee chairman, Darrell Issa (yes, he’s all that and a bag of chumps) held a make-believe late-night hearing on this phony IRS scandal last week with all the trimmings - lights, cameras, assholes…the works. The subject of this little charade was a bunch of missing IRS emails. Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, who is working hard to get himself some badly needed cred as he looks to place himself atop the next losing Republican’t ticket in 2016 saw a great opportunity to make political hay. He waxed apoplectic over the missing IRS emails he just knows are hiding a mysterious plot to overthrow the Tea Party. In fact the emails in question were lost two years prior to the “scandal” in question and were reported at the time. All of this was known to Rep. Issa before his little soiree. 

During the investigation into Dick Cheney’s outing of Valerie Plame some five million emails went missing, during the investigation into the firing of US attorneys scores of emails were lost by the White House even as they were improperly using private email accounts to hide their activities. Many emails went unaccounted for during the torture investigation. No Republican’t made a peep at the time these events transpired. Go figure.

Now I must rest. This science stuff if hard work. My brain hurts.  Could it be that only four morons can dance on a pinhead? Tune in next time for the conclusion of this truly epic, if wholly meaningless scientific foray. Hey, what do I look like? Neil deGrasse Tyson?

I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Neil deGrasse Tyson invited.

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