Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Turkey For All Seasons

Reality Is In The Eye Of The Decider
Bush Country
November 27, 2014
George W. Bush, America’s favorite worst-president*-ever has emerged once more from the soothing, inspirational confines of his bathroom to deliver another painting as well as another book. The subject of both efforts is his father…and of course, himself. I suppose it’s difficult for someone to write a book about his father without including himself, but it’s probably much easier to paint the man’s portrait without putting yourself in the foreground.
A picture not worth anything
In his new book, 41: A Portrait Of My Father, George W. describes how George H.W. agonized over running for a second term because he felt his high profile was causing undue scrutiny of his son, Neil Bush, who was facing a federal lawsuit. "It killed him to see Neil singled out because he was the President's son," according to Junior’s book. Hmmmm, could be. But he might also have been singled out because he was COMMITTING A CRIME, which tends to get you into trouble if you’re not a Bush.
Neil Bush was on the board of directors of Silverado Savings and Loan during the 1980s' Savings and Loan crisis. The US Office of Thrift Supervision determined that Bush had engaged in numerous "breaches of his fiduciary duties involving multiple conflicts of interest." That seems like a possible reason he was singled out, though clearly not a point of consideration in the phantasmagorical mind of George W. Bush, and apparently throughout the Bush household. Neil Bush was not indicted on criminal charges, though he did end up coughing up half a million in a civil suit. I guess his father’s notoriety really hurt poor Neil.
Who will ever forget George W’s stunning return to the public eye with his inimitable self portrait – Dickless In Tub? Many find Bush 43’s artistic talents surprisingly palatable. I find them predictably self-absorbed and uninteresting. It’s difficult to get excited by the hobby of a man who was responsible for so much unnecessary death and destruction. Let’s be clear, his legacy will not be in the oil he put on canvas, but on the oil that was the essence of his life. From his years as a failed oil magnate, to his family’s long history with the bin Laden and Saud families (Saudi prince Bandar bin Sultan was affectionately nick-named Bandar Bush), to facilitating the getaway of dozens of Saudis in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 (Lest we forget, 16 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis…not Iraqis.) and the invasion of Iraq for control of their oil.

Bush finally got his head out of his ass long
enough to take a good long look…at his feet.

During a recent interview Bush fantasized, "I went in there [Iraq] as a result of a very changed environment because of September the 11th. And the danger we were concerned about was that the weapons...would be put into the hands of terrorist groups that would come and make the attacks of 9/11 pale in comparison." The environment in Iraq did not change because of September the 11th; it changed because of the Bush/Cheney invasion-for-no-good-reason. The environment in Iraq changed when it was completely destabilized after the removal of our old buddy Saddam. That’s when al Queda moved into Iraq - exactly what Osama bin Laden wanted. A crusade - exactly what George W. Bush called it. That’s what caused the “very changed environment” in Iraq.

I don’t know anyone who thinks Saddam Hussein was a good guy, with the exception of Donald Rumsfeld, who helped Saddam obtain biological weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s. However, the illegal-invasion-based-on-lies and subsequent displacement of the Butcher of Baghdad initiated by Bush/Cheney in 2003 has proven to be an unmitigated disaster. And the danger they were allegedly concerned about, has materialized in spades. Al Queda spin-off ISIL is now using American weapons to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East. 

Resolute as ever, the Clod Who Would Be King holds fast to his fabrication fantasy. Whether by ignorance or deceit, Bush II will take his disastrous escapade to his grave claiming it was a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. No amount of factual data can shake a lick of sense or sensibility into George W’s thick skull. Heckuva job Bushie. How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

*not elected to first term; lost at least the popular vote; ultimately appointed by Supreme Court; nonetheless, allowed to run for second term after starting illegal war, instituting torture and collapsing American economy. 

I. Mangrey reporting. Happy Thanksgiving.
The Natives are restless. Me too.


  1. Again, where is God? What fate could befall this man (these men) that would make one feel the world is just?

  2. Great one as per usual. Interesting (and not surprising) that he can't draw himself worth a crap. He has no idea who he really is.
