Friday, February 6, 2015

And They're Off...Really Off

The 2016 Republican’t Whores Race

Iowa Lot
February 6, 2015

As you probably know, Willard Mitt Romney recently emerged from his mansion, saw his shadow and/or the writing on the wall, and scurried back into his car elevator, having decided not to run for president again. Woe is we. I guess we won’t have Mitt Romney to kick around anymore. That however doesn’t mean that the Republican’ts’ new cavalcade of clowns won’t delight, amuse and frighten us. To quote John Boehner, “Hell no!”

Live Free or D’oh

A week before Mitt’s disappearance, Rep. Steven King hosted the Iowa Freedom Summit for Republican’t 2016 presidential hopefuls. King insisted that for every child of illegal immigrants “who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” This coming from a man with nothing but an over-ripe melon keeping his ears apart. King is a quote machine: “So we just asked them, under oath, “are you a vegetarian?” And they confessed they were vegetarians, all of them. Well there they are with an agenda for our diets…I eat recycled, concentrated, enhanced vegetables in the form of meat.” 

“I didn’t think it’s an irrational comment at all — I just see it as the situation we’re in.
I have an irrational lust to love the Constitution and fiscal responsibility and individualism.”

All those with the urge to run, or more likely just having the runs, were on hand to get out of hand, and show the true conservatives who is the Bull Goose Loony ready to stop Obama from being a three-term president. Shhhh, don’t tell them about the term limit thingie, let them have their fun.

Dr. Rand “Don’t Vaccinate, Don’t Tell” Paul

Rand Paul, quoting Bob Einstein, or someone...

In 2009 Rand Paul, having not yet learned how to properly hide his disdain for things like desegregation, a federal government and vaccinations said, "The first sort of thing you see with martial law is mandates, and they’re talking about making it mandatory." In this instance Paul was referring to vaccines. In late 2014 Paul, who supported Romney in 2012 weighed in on a third Romney run this way, “When you do the same thing and expect a different result, it’s sort of what Einstein said, that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result." Right now I’m trying over and over to remember just how many times Paul’s father ran for president. I must be insane.

Dr. Ben “Think Big, Talk Crazy” Carson

Carson, the first neurosurgeon to separate twins joined at the head,
can’t keep his one head together for two minutes.

Dr. Ben Carson, the black Republican’t who isn’t Herman “Awww Shucky Ducky” Cain, and one of a select few who could give brain surgeons a bad name, jumped at the chance to take Cain’s seat in the Clown Car. According to this retired brain surgeon, "You know Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery." Carson also told us that Gay marriage caused the downfall of the Roman empire and that Obama may cancel the 2016 election and declare martial law. Brain surgery may still loom in Dr. Carson’s future, though this time he won’t be the one holding the scalpel.

Gov. Bobby “No-Go Zone” Jindal

Jindal working his magic on the Gulf Coast.

Louisiana Republican Bobby Jindal says, "If the Supreme Court were to throw out our law, our [state] constitutional amendment -- I hope they wouldn't do that -- if they do that, I certainly support Ted Cruz and others that are talking about making an amendment in the Congress and D.C., a constitutional amendment to allow states to continue to define marriage. I think it should be between a man and a woman." Unfortunately the interviewer didn’t ask Jindal if he felt the same way about slavery.

I’m going to take a break here. I just can’t take any more at the moment. I imagine you feel the same. I’m going to rest up and then go out in search of a vaccine to protect my precious bodily fluids from these nut jobs as they prepare to criss-cross the country bobbing for dollars. I’ll be back next time with more from Steven King’s Fabulous Freedom Freak Show. Consider yourselves warned.

I. Mangrey reporting. All politics is local.
Consider yourselves warned.

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