Thursday, February 18, 2016

Nomination Abomination

Term Limitations

Hanging in the Wind
February 17, 2016

So let me get this straight. George W. Bush’s illegally obtained presidency didn’t begin until September 12, 2001, conveniently one day after he read My Pet Goat to a classroom full of children while the attack he was warned about ad nauseum, and chose to ignore, happened 8½ months after he was “inaugurated”. Have I got that right? That is essentially what J.E.B., who says his idiot brother kept us safe from terror attacks, is telling us. For some reason he doesn’t include the worst terror attack ever on American soil. I suppose I understand; after all, who would want something like sat-around-like-an-idiot-while-the-naton-was-attacked-while-I-was-in-charge on their record. Other than Nero I mean.

Of course it is not only J.E.B. peddling this poo, every Republican’t is singing the same off-key refrain. Robotic rube Marco Rubio said during the recent debate in South Carolina, “The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama bin Laden when he had a chance to kill him.” Just for the record neither did Bush, who six months after 9/11 (presumably still during his “presidency” – can’t say I am at all sure when these things start and stop anymore, and with all of Bush’s vacationing he might have been on sabbatical at the time) said, “Who knows if he’s hiding in some cave or not. …I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.” And all this despite the fact that Clinton’s people warned Bush/Cheney that they would be focusing on bin Laden and al Queda 24/7 and Bush/Cheney told them to take a hike. How soon they forget.

I am wasting your valuable time with all of this because of its connection to more current events. Today these same yahoos are acting as if Obama’s term ends 11 months before his successor is inaugurated and that he should not even think about nominating a replacement for Scalia. Do I have that right? Or am I missing something? And of course it was fine for St. Ronny to nominate someone to the Supreme Court 12 months before he left office. Even Ben Carson, in between blackouts, said he didn’t think Republican’ts would be stalling if one of them was currently in the White House. As my people are known to say, “Never again.”

Appoint Well Taken

In any event, Obama – a Constitutional scholar – probably knows what to do even though he is not an “originalist” like some people we knew. If he was such a person he would probably say that appointing a replacement for an ex-justice was a duty not a choice. I believe Obama should nominate another woman, preferably a black woman. A most fitting nominee would be noted attorney, law professor and one-time attorney-adviser to Clarence Thomas, who is probably wandering aimlessly around Washington with no idea what he is supposed to do or think. Obama should chose a woman who is already familiar with the vetting and confirmation processes - Anita Hill. Now that’s what I would call justice.

Anita Hill: She knows Clarence Thomas but
she is no Clarence Thomas…fortunately

Sure she is unlikely to be confirmed. So is anyone Obama nominates, as has been the case since he was inaugurated. Yes, a few managed to sneak their way through, but almost every single appointment was either vehemently challenged or ignored as evidenced by the large number of vacancies in federal courts to this day.

I. Mangrey asking the questions.

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