Saturday, November 4, 2023

You Can Turn Your Clocks Back All You Want, But It's Time To Move Forward

The Time (To Change The Time) Has Come Today

November 4, 2023

You will likely notice (especially now) that this actually an encore presentation. This is presented not merely for nostalgic reasons, but also as a public service announcement - reminding you to turn your clocks back before you go to bed tonight. The very stupid ritual of changing the time of day twice a year continues despite there being no good reason, and despite the fact that pretty much everyone hates doing this.

Or, you could scroll down for Thursday's fresh, new content.

Every Day Is Still January 6th

November 7, 2021

Imagine if the number of Americans who have been fighting on behalf of the January 6 insurrection/attempted coup had come out so strongly and powerfully in favor of the 9/11 hijackers and the Taliban (the Islamic one, not the white/Christian one that thinks America is theirs). I'm guessing that these same Turmpified insurrection sympathizers would be the ones who would have started shooting them in the streets.

Angry, ignorant tourorists enjoying a day of violent patriotism.

Speaking of shooting in the streets, some trigger fingers are getting itchy now.
One particularly
candid MAGAt barfed up this gem at a town hall, “At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I'm not — that's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” Morons like this guy are just too confused (and insanely violent) for words. If he had any idea what he was talking about, he would go all Second Amendment on the fascist fuckwit with the vacant look he sees in his mirror.

The Bears – Robobo’s Beef

It apparently bears repeating that the 9/11 hijackers killed around 3000 Americans. The mass murderer Turmp is responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Americans thanks to his coddling of COVID-19. It is entirely possible that more than 3000 of his followers died from ingesting disinfectant, as advised by their cult leader.

It’s called an Orange Gas Cloud:
4 oz. Clorox
2 oz. Cointreau
1 oz. Old Grandad
2 spritzes tanning spray
and a twist of lemming
To be fair, it does prevent you from getting COVID. Viruses prefer live hosts.

According to Turmp’s COVID response chief Dr. Deborah Birx, Dear Leader’s insane response to the pandemic cost 130,000 American lives. Others put that number considerably higher. Either way, Turmp, like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, should be tried for crimes against humanity.

And thank God we have Ted Cruz standing up on his hind legs to protect the rights of parents flashing Nazi salutes at school board meetings because of mask mandates. Ted’s home state of Texass, having already outlawed legal abortions by siccing radical Christian vigilantes on anyone associated with anyone seeking an abortion, now has set its legally-blind sights on banning 850 books on race and sexuality. Freedom! First Amendment! God bless white America.

Many people are saying that Ratpublicans are anti-democracy. That is not a point I could possibly argue. What I haven’t heard any people saying is that not only are they anti-democracy, they are fighting, red in tooth and claw, against civilized society. With their Second Amendment fetishism, their attempted martyring of the January 6 terrorists, their disgraceful obedience to a disgraced, authoritarian, twice-impeached, failed Florida blogger, they are clearly inciting and cultivating a bowel-esque movement of hatred, racism and an approach to society that is much more early hominid than 21st Century human. Ratpublicans hate democracy in no small part because democracy is not the least bit fond of them.

I could be wrong.*

I. Mangrey re-assembling.

* Obviously, I meant I couldn’t be wrong.

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