Thursday, August 9, 2012

Texass Strikes Again

Another One Has The Dust Bitten For Him

Death Row, TX
August 9, 2012

I guess when they say, “Don’t mess with Texas” they ain’t kiddin' - even if you’re not the least bit aware that you may have in fact messed with Texas.  But, don’t forget, execution is one of Texas’ most beloved cottage industries.  It's held in higher regard than their education industry.  Texas is still the Executions Champion, executing more people each year than any other state.  Texas out-killed their nearest competitor by 2-1 in 2011 and by more than 4-1 since 1976, being responsible for nearly 3 out of every 8 executions during that time.  Yeeehaaaaw!

This incredible record of ultimate justice is due, in no small part, to their ex-governor - the previous record-holder in executions, George W. "Let-'em-hang" Bush.  Bush The Destroyer signed off on 152 executions during his self-abbreviated tenure as chief executive of Texas.  Fortunately he didn't finish his second term and wanting to show the rest of the country that he wasn't completely heartless pardoned his first and only Death Row inmate as he began his run for president.  Said Bush recently, "That's one of my few regrets really, that and maybe not clearing enough brush while I was president. I never shoulda let that guy off the hook. I only did it so's people would think I's the kind of guy they'd like to have a beer with and maybe elect as president. If I'd a known the Supreme Court was gonna up and appoint me, I would of done things differently I think."  Bush's successor, Rick Perry, who will happily execute just about anyone, has yet to match Bush's record of killings per year but has surpassed his predecessor in sheer volume with 234 as of this moment. Except that...

Texas just executed Marvin Wilson, a man with an IQ of 61, even though the Supreme Court in 2002 ruled that executing “mentally retarded” people was unconstitutional.  The Supremes gave states some discretion to decide who qualified for protection.  Discretion is not something you think of when you think of Texas.  "Despite all the signs of Mr. Wilson's intellectual disabilities and the diagnosis of the court-appointed neuropsychologist, the District Court of Jefferson County (Texas) concluded that Mr. Wilson is not mentally retarded," an ACLU posting said, with "not" italicized for emphasis.  As difficult as this may be, perhaps we shouldn't jump to any conclusions before all the facts are in, or before we make up our own facts to make us feel better, as did the District Court of Jefferson County.  It may just be that in Jefferson County, Texas an IQ of 61 is considered exceptional.  Justice Antonin Scalia handles emergency appeals from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees Texas.  Scalia was asked for a stay of execution in this case, which he denied.  Sources say that Dick Cheney asked if he could be of any assistance.

In any event, this is a sad indictment on our entire nation, unless by some incredible stroke of luck the current idiot governor of Texas has seceded without telling us.  But perhaps the saddest part of the execution, it wasn’t the war criminal George W. Bush or Texas population control expert, Rick "I Can Only Remember Two Things At A Time" Perry.

I. Mangrey reporting.
Responsible comment (and Rick Perry's IQ certificate) invited.

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