Saturday, December 8, 2012

You're Entitled To My Opinion

Who Gets What You Pay For 

Inches Below The Debt Ceiling
December 8, 2012 

We're hearing a great deal of talk about entitlements these days.  W. Mitt Romney ran a campaign based on stopping people from getting stuff from the government like bombs, warships, tanks, more bombs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.  Stuff these people apparently think they're entitled to.  W. Mitt told a room full of greedy rich white folks that 47% of Americans were lazy moochers who simply feel entitled.  This, as it turned out, did not propel him to victory in the recent election.  What is wrong with this country?  Apparently one thing these indolent bums are willing to do is VOTE. 

Did you know that the average food stamp recipient
in New Jersey gets $5 a day for food? 

You probably know some members of the Entitlement Class to which Mr. Romney was referring, like those on Social Security and Medicare - why aren't these leeches out working?  Coming from a guy who spent whatever-part-of-his-life-wasn’t-consumed-with-badgering-people-(dead-or-alive)-to-join-his-religion finding ways to avoid paying taxes, this seems almost humorous.  Coming from a guy who made millions (most of which he of course hid from Uncle Sam's tax collectors in offshore accounts) by decimating the influx of money into Social Security's trust fund by sending as many jobs as he could get his greedy little claws on overseas, this seems almost treasonous.  Nonetheless, Romney believes - not that anyone cares anymore or ever will again - that 47% of the American people feel they are entitled to undeserved free stuff from the government.  He's not alone in this; there's a significant percentage - I believe it's approximately 1% - of Americans, a very different class of entitleds who will fight to our last breath for their entitlements. 

Did you know that the top 1% of American households
earn $380,354 or more? That together they hold
35.6% of the nation’s wealth?

Let's look a little closer to some of those special people.  There was Dan Quayle who went on Jay Leno in 2000 whining that it was his turn to get the Republican’t nomination.  Clearly, having been vice president, he was entitled to a shot at the White House.  Somehow Mr. Potatoe-head was wrong.  Dick Cheney thought he was entitled to continue reaping profits from Halliburton to whom Cheney, as vice president, gave massive no-bid contracts to manage the war he started almost exclusively in order to give massive no-bid contracts to Halliburton.  Cheney also believed he was entitled to get drunk and shoot a man in the face.  Hey, at least he accepted the guy's apology.  Although I guess he was entitled to that. 

Did you know that annual wages above $110,100
are not taxed by Social Security?  WTF 

Much of the wealthiest 1% is certain they are entitled to buy politicians whenever they want while they sponge off the other 99% and when they screw that up they're entitled to have those politicians get the government to bail them out.  For example, Lloyd Blankfein recently opined,” You are going to have to undoubtedly do something to lower people’s expectations, the entitlements, what people think they are going to get, uh because they’re not going to get it.”  He was of course talking about people living high-on-the-hog off of Social Security and Medicare and other luxurious-living programs like Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid, not about the meager-multi-million-dollar salaries and bonuses he and his fellow travelers insist they are entitled to.  Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sacks, whose arrogant, greedy, entitled ass was bailed out by the moocher-taxpayers he was ripping off while evaporating billions of our dollars, just doesn’t think the rest of us are entitled to all the stuff we already paid for, or maybe just desperately need to survive. 

Did you know that the Wall-Mart Walton family has
as much money as the bottom 41.5% of the American public? 

Let's not forget our newest Entitlement Queen, Ann Romney was so sure it was her entitlement destiny to be first lady that she is still shattered and according to reports frequently breaks down in tears.  I am entitled to feel sorry for her.  I will resist...somehow.  The Romneys clearly believed they were entitled to the White House, even though it currently has no car elevators whatsoever.  In a way it's a bit of a shame.  I would have loved to hear W. Mitt's Entitlement Speech.  He didn't write a Concession Speech until the fat lady Karl Rove finally sang admitted defeat. 

Meanwhile, Senate Minority Buffoon Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill backed by Barack Obama, based on an idea of McConnell’s to give presidents permanent power to raise the Debt Ceiling as needed.  He didn’t think the Dems would allow the vote to take place.  Harry Reid said Bring It On, whereupon McConnell oozed up and filibustered his own bill. You just can’t make this shit up.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Is there anybody out there?

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