Friday, November 30, 2012

Old And In The Way

The Hasbin
Nowhere And Back Again*

Washington, District of Calumny
November 30, 2012 

Some of you may recall that we recently had an election during which a certain Barack Obama defeated someone called John McCain W. Mitt Romney.  A similar event transpired four years earlier when the very same Obama dispatched a nasty little man called McCain.  Even after four years Gollum McCain refuses to move on with his pathetic, completely-lacking-in-relevance life.  One is hard-pressed to decide whether McCain is more furious that he lost his last chance to become president or if his unending bitterness is the result of having lost the opportunity to force our great nation to live under the toxic cloud of stupidity that is Sarah Palin.
McCain’s latest target is Condolezza Susan Rice who is on Obama’s very short list to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.  Rice knowingly or otherwise provided erroneous information to the American public about the Libyan embassy attack.  McCain Romney made a big deal about the whole thing when it happened, before anyone had any, let alone all, the facts and continued to beat the issue right up until he got the smackdown heard round the world from Candy Crowley during the presidential debate.

To give you an example of just how unfit she is for secretary of state, Susan Rice pathetically held up a vial of white powder at the United Nations as proof that Iraq had WMD…umm actually now that I think about it that was then-Secretary of State Colin Powell…she told an extremely gullible nation that “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”… no wait, that was then-"president" George W. Bush telling one of the biggest bald-faced, injurious lies in American history…she recently said the biggest geopolitical threat to American security is Russia - no that was presidential candidate and all-around chucklehead W. Mitt Romney…Susan Rice, on a drunken hunting escapade, shot a man right in the face and hid for most of the next day while sobering up…or was that Dick Cheney?  Yes, I'm being told that was in fact Cheney.  Oh I know, Susan Rice outed a covert CIA operative as revenge against her husband…oops, wrong again, that was Karl Rove and Dick Cheney…Rice said “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud,”…oh crap that was then-soon-to-be Secretary of State Condi Rice.  Wait, now I remember, Susan Rice said the attack on the Libyan embassy was not a premeditated assault while claiming that was the CIA's latest intel; even if that’s not true (which appears likely), compared to countless other attempts at misdirection perpetrated by the executive branch over the years, this is more like telling your wife you’re at the library when you’re really at Barnes and Noble.
Though McCain and his girlfriend Lindsey Graham are on an Idiot's Crusade to bring down Susan Rice, they both vigorously supported the nomination of a clearly disgraced and incompetent Condolezza Rice for secretary of state during at the height of the Iraq war/debacle even though she lied to the American public to help promote an illegal invasion of Iraq, which of course morally and economically bankrupted our nation.  Though there is no glory in the tragic loss of four Americans, one might be tempted to put this in perspective after having lost over four thousand Americans in the bogus Iraq war enthusiastically supported by none other than John McCain and Lindsey Graham.  Even Joe Lieberman thinks they should back off this time.  Screw them and the whores they rode in on.
Meanwhile, Senate Minority Blowhard, Mitch McConnell, continuing his somnambular fili-bluster, threatened to make life in the Senate worse if the Democrats change the filibuster rules.  As if.  McConnell, who told America in 2009 that his first priority was to make sure Obama was a one-term president, apparently intends to spend the next four years trying to out-whine John McCain.  McConnell is now trying to flex what for him passes as his muscles in what he calls, “my God-given duty to make sure that Barack Obama is only a two-term president.”  This could likely be the single accomplished mission in McConnell's lackluster stint as the top Republican't in the Senate.  Stay tuned for further feckless follies from the freaks and fools festooning our nation's capital.
*apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien

I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.

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