Thursday, November 15, 2012

Occupy Obama

I’m A Little Occupied Right Now 

November 15, 2012 

I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round.  I really love to watch them roll.  Some of the wheels I'm watching are those that have come off the Tea Party bus as it turns a corner it cannot negotiate.  A new faction seems to be raising its head and voice as if emerging from a coma.  Americans With Brains turned out in impressive numbers to shut that whole Tea Party thing down.  This faction was always there, it just seemed like it had fallen and it couldn’t get up.  Then suddenly, it got up.  It seems quite possible that there is something blowing in the wind unlike anything we have seen, smelt, felt or tasted in a very long while.
It is clear to me as I reflect on the crawl-up to the election that one of the most significant catalysts in waking this sleeping giant and changing the entire dialogue was the Occupy Movement.  A significant number of people didn’t just stick their heads out the window, they went right out the front door and took their bodies out of their homes and into the streets to say, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”  They said it all across the country for months on end.  Once the Occupy Movement made their presence felt, a certain president in the process of seeking reelection decided it was at least safe if not in fact wise to attach himself to this organic expression of promoting the general welfare.
In fairness I suppose credit also goes to the Tea Party infection of 2010.  This raging infection of our political class certainly triggered an auto-immune response in the populace at large.  The Occupy Movement was that response, like a homeopathic remedy to stimulate We The People to take a stand against Wall Street, the banks and politics-as-usual.  I believe they struck a nerve.  Americans With Brains started believing in their ability to heal the Tea Party infection and leave their social-sickbed.
Pretty much every group in America other than white-male-Republican’ts did very well this election cycle.  Women, the 47%, Hispanics, progressives of all stripes, workers, potheads, the LGBT community, voters, climate change realists, Planned Parenthood and all those they serve and the 99%.  On the other hand, idiots who have trouble understanding what rape is, overly-wealthy selfish bastards and would-be king-makers who heaped hundreds of millions of dollars on W. Mitt Romney and the Boy Blunder, homophobes, the increasingly irrelevant John McCain…again, the almost completely irrelevant Grover Norquist and Karl Rove,  Donald Trump…as usual, the Bush Tax Cuts…even the NRA came up losers.
Even though nobody cares a whit what Willard Romney thinks anymore - or ever will again - he is still going on about the 47%ers (more like 51% actually) who only voted for Obama because he had been “very generous” during his first term in handing out “big gifts” to “the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people” as well as to women.  The Kenyan socialist Obama provided access to “free health care,” guaranteed contraceptive coverage, more affordable student loans, and “amnesty for children of illegals.”  All of this free stuff, which had no other purpose, as W. Mitt sees it, than getting votes, combined to give the president a decisive edge in popularity - according to the World’s Biggest Loser of 2012, while trying to explain to his biggest assholes donors why he went down in flames along with 300 million of their not-so-hard-earned dollars. 
I guess Romney’s version is better than One-Thought-Wonder and anti-tax moron guru Grover Norquist who said “the president was elected on the basis that he was not Romney and that Romney was a poopy-head.”  That’s right, the man who claims he came up with his One Big Idea while in junior high school is still talking poop.  It’s really all he’s ever done.
Romney, for his part is surely not giving anybody anything - the poor slobs who worked on his campaign, trudging home after a comically disastrous campaign and a brutal drubbing at the polls, were shocked to learn that their campaign credit cards had been cancelled the moment their Fearless Loser conceded defeat.  Thanks for all your help suckers.
Speaking of people nobody will have to care about anymore, Paul Ryan thinks Obama won because too many black people voted.  Ryan is not alone in his assessment of the American electorate.  I wish them all continued success in their fight for freedom from reality.  Don’t change a thing.  Really.
Republican’ts can rest assured that their crushing defeat in 2012 had nothing to do with the fact that their primary gave them a candidate who was nothing more than a guy with two legs who won a butt-kicking contest against a crowd of blind, one-legged, mental midgets.  Or that this guy was a congenital liar, an arrogant corporate bastard who heaped scorn on all those he knew to be beneath him and a purveyor of pathetic “ideas” that he alternately loved and abandoned every five minutes. 

Many Republican'ts, licking their self-inflicted wounds, decided they lost because of Superstorm Sandy, one Black Panther in Philadelphia, unsuccessful voter suppression, non-comatose debate moderators (both women no less) or perhaps  because it's much easier being a black man running for president in America.
Anyway, I started this piece to tip my hat to the Occupy Movement.  They may not be as visible as they once were but they're not gone and they're not going away.  Occupy is now engaged in what is called Operation Rolling Jubilee, which consists of buying personal debt from banks.  They are taking random people's debts for pennies on the dollar and simply abolishing it rather than collecting it.  There is a fund-raiser tonight, which is already sold out, to collect money with which to do as much of this as possible.  Maybe we can all chip in a little to help out.
Occupy the Future.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.

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