Saturday, April 27, 2013

America's First White President With Dark Skin

What’s up with President Barry? 

Washington, DC
April 27, 2013
Barack Obama, America’s first white president who is also black, is doing some interesting things these days. He's done some great things, mostly small or medium sized. His Republican't-heavy health care reform, which he proudly calls Obamacare, isn't one of them. I've cut this guy quite a bit of slack because I was so happy he wasn't George W. Bush, but now I'm starting to get a bad taste in my mouth.
Obama seems to be happily continuing and even expanding George W. Bush's drone program - one that is creating instant enemies throughout the Arab world and causing even Tea addled, quasi-libertarian nutbags like Rand Paul to sound like some kind of civil liberties guru. Obama didn't even send anyone to the Senate hearings last week. For someone who promised transparency this guy is becoming more opaque by the minute.
Obama signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which effectively legalizes indefinite detention of US citizens.  Not what one would hope to see from a Constitutional scholar. Not to mention Obama’s war on whistleblowers featuring the prosecution of more whistleblowers than any previous president. Huh? Like any other white presidents he seems content with maintaining the excessive power for the executive branch championed by Dick Cheney. After the shameful behavior and resignation of Dick Nixon there was a successful movement to rein in the executive branch, which Cheney always resented. Once he became president Bush he wasted no time re-inflating presidential power. Then he invaded Iraq and gave us the PATRIOT Act. Now the white man in black's clothing is happy to follow in the footsteps of Cheney/Bush.
Barry is also carrying out a drone strike on Social Security. He continues his farce of compromise with the Republican'ts, who don't even like their own ideas once Obama agrees with them. So why does he keep putting Social Security on the chopping block? Is it because Barry and his associates in Washington, DC don’t care that much about Social Security since those in high levels of government rarely end up needing the pittance that is our social safety net and so few of them have the guts to fight for the 99%? Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), one of the most progressive members of the Senate says, “It’s clear there’s too much Wall Street in this administration.” Not what one would hope to see from a community organizer.
Yet Obama continues to flog the Republican't-backed austerity myth despite the clear evidence that it is not working anywhere in the world. The only beneficiaries of austerity are those at the top. It's all the rage across Europe as country after country sees austerity measures crush them. We recently learned that the “research” underlying the entire austerity concept - done by two prominent Harvard economists - has been completely debunked. The single non-peer-reviewed study that began with a rookie error (we will assume) in the Excel spread sheet and ended with the exposure of horribly skewed data has been exposed. It was a joke to begin with and now it’s an unmitigated laughing stock. We’ll see how quickly Obama and the Republican'ts abandon the crumbled infrastructure of the crappy austerity doctrine that history shows and everyone knows will never do what its proponents claim. Not what one would hope to see from a guy that grew up with little like us regular folks.
Barry's most recent endeavor was to allow Congress to sidestep part of the Sequester that inconvenienced them. They simply could not abide waiting for planes to take off, the latest delays being tied to the moronic Sequester Congress created. Just as Obama bailed out the banks, but not the homeowners the banks defrauded, he let Congress have their way without making them give up something for us regular folks like money for cancer treatment, Headstart and aid to Hurricane Sandy victims to name but a few. Not what one would hope to see. Period.

And what will Barry do about the Keystone XL Poopline? Will he continue to protect the fossil fuel industry, who already has enough money to last forever, or will he protect the planet for his daughters and the next seven generations?
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Less white presidents welcome.

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