Friday, July 26, 2013

A Queen Among Men

My Queen Elizabeth

Warrenton, DC
July 25, 2013
I’m not usually one to gush over royalty, but I’m afraid I just can’t help myself. Maybe it’s all this fuss about the royal baby. I hope he’ll be able to find some strange woman lying in a pond distributing swords or pull the sword from the stone or whatever it is they do over there to elect their king. Anyway, I never paid much attention before, but I have watched several videos of the Queen since the beginning of this year. She looks much younger than I expected, but I guess it’s all that easy living and adulation keeping her so vibrant. Every time I see her I am simply in awe of her command of history and all the nuances of her particular milieu. Perhaps you have seen an exchange or two she's had with some of the commoners. If not check this out:

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Okay, I feel a little silly here. Apparently, this is not in fact the Queen or a queen or even a princess. This is freshman senator - now the senior senator from the great state of Massachusetts - Elizabeth Warren. She has simply taken the capitol by storm. Considering she’s a freshman senator, she takes no prisoners, no excuses and no shit from anyone. People worried she would just end up frustrated and cowed by all the pathetic losers we know as the United States Senate. Truly a more worthless governmental body has never existed. More cadaver than body if you ask me. Mostly a bunch of white guys whose brains died years ago, but whose bodies keep shuffling along the halls of Congress and Fux News.
God Save The Clean
Elizabeth Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1987 and became a tenured professor. She began teaching at Harvard Law School in 1992, as a visiting professor, and took a permanent position in 1995. Warren said of her history of voting as a Republican for many years, "I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets." In 1995 she began to vote Democratic, but she says that she has voted for both parties because she believes that neither party should dominate. Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in 2008. She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama. Then of course Obama threw her under the bus because it was too much trouble to go to bat for her when it came to crunch time.
Bankers and Wall Street thieves are scared to death of Elizabeth Warren. She knows more about what they do than they do. She’s smarter and tougher than most of them. She took their bright shining whore star - Scott Brown - and turned him into roadkill. She soundly defeated Self-Loving-Scotty after serving the partial term he won in a special election to fill the seat of Ted Kennedy - crushing him by over 7%. Brown is now a loser talking head for right wing media with almost as broad an appeal as Sarah Palin.
The economic inequality in this country is simply disgraceful. Dis. Grace. Ful. Elizabeth Warren gets it as much as anyone in the Senate. And while over the entire membership of the Senate this is an exceedingly low bar, there are a select few in that festering corpse august body that are and always have been steadfast in their support for actual know, the 99%.
Elizabeth Warren is the real deal. She has long been determined to protect We The People from the banks and corporations that ru(i)n the government. She’s not shy and she’s not wasting any time trying to get things done. Keep an eye on Elizabeth and help her when you can. Please watch the video (linked above) and sign the petition. And tell everyone you know - they’ve got a friend in DC.
I. Mangrey and I approve this message.

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