Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Fog of W, Part 2

And now for the exciting conclusion of W: TF

Just stalling to give you time to miss me
March 24, 2015

From the pen of Ted Rall

Another Bush? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Jeb is just the next Bush Cartel Dynasty member to step up and take what is rightfully his - whether by popular demand or Supreme Court fiat. Jeb’s grandfather, Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler’s dream of world domination, but sadly for him the Nazi regime was ultimately sent packing. Undeterred, the Bush family - bent on its own brand of world domination* - had to find some new powerful friends. And they did. The Bushes felt right at home with their oil-encrusted kindred spirits in Saudi Arabia - the House of Saud. What an unlucky coincidence that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 911 were Saudis, as was bin Laden (who previously worked for the CIA - as did Saddam Hussein). Exactly zero were Iraqis.

I love the taste of oil in the morning.
Is that what you use to color your beard and mustache?
I didn’t know y’all had oil in this neck of the woods. I never found any.

Jeb Bush recently said that he has little interest in discussing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which somehow started while his brother was president. The latest Bush to hurl himself onto the national political stage says he plans to run a joyful campaign focused on a positive vision of the future. He would have a difficult time doing any worse than his older brother…but I think he has a shot - he is after all, a Bush. Jeb says that he loves his father and idiot older brother adding, "I actually love my mother too. I hope that's okay," but that he is his own man. Then he announced his foreign policy team of advisors. 19 of the 21 people this independent thinker chose to counsel his independent thinking worked in the administrations of his father and/or brother. I think he meant to say that he is an owned man. Whichever may be the case, Jeb has the same relationship with facts and the English language as big brother George W.

Drunk? Stoned? Stupid? You make the call.

Jeb, in response to a reporter's question about his foreign policy speech said, "I won't talk about the past. I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward." How nice for him. Baby Bush might not have noticed that this country remains in the midst of ‘re-litigating’ his big brother’s legacy every single day, as the mess brother George and his ventriloquist Cheney created continues to fester and threaten global peace and stability. Viva la Bush!

I remember Obama’s insistence on moving forward after taking over for Bush 43. And that is why we still have our most recent war criminals roaming free and showing up on Sunday morning political talk shows to tell us how we ought to behave.

*or perhaps it was always about dimination: the increasing stupidity of a society and/or interrelated societies as a result of influential morons in leadership positions - as in, the dimination of the United States and subsequently much of the civilized world will be seen as having been inevitable as history looks back on the Grand W. Bunch presidency.

One final nut note…

Jindal: A Sheep at the Wheel

When current presidential aspirant Bobby Jindal was asked to choose the best president since Ronald Reagan he responded, “Well obviously I think Ronald Reagan was the best…If I had to pick between those presidents, I think president [George W.] Bush because he did what I think was the biggest challenge.” Don’t forget, Jindal was a congressman from Louisiana during Bush’s spectacular handling of Hurricane Katrina. You know, when Bush was on one of his countless vacations, ignored Katrina for days and then did a fly-over. and when he finally got around to showing up  Jindal thinks very highly of the man who sat frozen and dumb (unable-to-speak-dumb, not intellectually-challenged-dumb…aw hell, who am I kidding - clearly it was both) after the worst attack on American soil happened ON HIS WATCH, then invaded the wrong country for reasons known only to Dick Cheney, then oversaw the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression and left office with the lowest approval rating since the Black Plague. Yeah that guy was the best president since Reagan. I guess Jindal loves Jeb’s brother as much as Jeb does. I wonder if Bobby J loves Barbara Bush as much as Jeb does…and “I hope that’s okay.”

I. Mangrey reporting. Vey.

UPDATE: Still no word yet whether Jeb will tap Dick Cheney to find him a running mate. Keep your fingers crossed, your powder dry, your head down and don't make any sudden bird noises.


  1. Doing challenges! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Jeb's in the Pizza Slut, George is in the Taco Hell. They're in the combination Pizza Slut and Taco Hell!
