Monday, August 30, 2021

Curiouser And Curiouser

Threw The Looking Glass

August 30, 2021

It is always interesting to watch Americans’ minds at work. Probably thousands of people have decided to rely on the internet for medical advice, preferring Uncle Louie’s F&#*book feed to the advice of almost the entire medical community. Or, even worse, many of these people relied on what pro-virus ex-president Donald Turmp has suggested. From “the virus is a hoax” to “it will just disappear like a miracle” to “ingesting disinfectant,” the man who made damn sure this pandemic would survive past his second impeachment and the end of his first term has the ear of a large minority of Americans to this very day.

Studies show that Turmp’s MAGAts are largely responsible for the virus’ continued success, thanks to their continued ignorance-fueled refusal to wear masks and/or get vaccinated, or do anything that might help stop the pandemic. And of course, the Ratpublican Party writ large is loath to do anything that might contribute in any way to the success of Joe Biden and the Democrats. Ratpublicans only love America when it does what they want.

All Those Opposed, Say Neigh

These people have now opted to take medicine designed for livestock rather than risk becoming magnetized, injected with tracking devices (which if true, surely cannot track anyone better than phones, computers, tv sets, cars and other non-injectable technologies already do). Or become “mutants” – this, according to Alex Jones who also opined, “Maybe Trump's actually a dumbass,” for finally quarter-heartedly suggesting that his supporters get vaccinated.

This new red state “designer” drug – Ivermectin, is also used in humans to treat parasites and as part of a COVID cocktail in countries that don’t have access to the vaccine. But since these folks are unable to get an actual prescription, they decided to buy their drugs on the street, or more accurately, from a feed store, or perhaps from a website run by fake doctors.

Not sure if this is where most Ivermectin goes,
or why this image jumped to mind

To be fair, Fux News has been flogging these “alternative cures.” Specifically, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and who-knows-what-else. Barely-lit bulbs like Florida governor Ron DuhSantis continue to disavow the seriousness of the pandemic at the same time his state is experienced more cases and more deaths than at any time during the COVID siege. Even super genius (and doctor who created his own organization so he could claim to be a Fellow of the organization) Sen. Rand Paul has weighed in, albeit oh-so-lightly, The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, that they're unwilling to objectively study it. So someone like me that's in the middle on it, I can't tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.” What has been studied closely for several years now are the veracity and mental acumen of Sen. Rand Paul. The finding are not promising.

These are the same people of course, who believe 3% of scientists on the climate crisis and insist that the other 97% are perpetrating a conspiracy, or some kind of weather witch hunt. Or perhaps nothing more than a bunch of Jewish space lasers hell-bent on world domination.

These are the same people who are scared to death of Afghan refugees – almost all of whom are responsible for saving American lives over the past 20 years – calling them all terrorists, but are desperately attempting to canonize actual terrorists who executed an actual terror attack on the Capitol, a few Capital police officers. And if not for Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, who shot the unfortunate idiot tourorist Ashli Babbit, there is a good chance Turmp’s minions would have executed some number of legislators.

Now, many of these folks who had been begging the virus to infect them, are finally getting their wish, and ending up in ICUs. I guess they showed us. They insist that this is all in the name of freedom. The only problem is that they are occupying ICU beds that less-stupid people, with non-COVID-related medical emergencies need to survive. Some of these people are now dying due to lack of beds, equipment and personnel being wasted on assholes who refused to take this deadly pandemic seriously. Why didn't they drink their damned disinfectant before it was too late? To these people, freedom’s just another word.

I. Mangrey, reeling.

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