Friday, August 13, 2021

The Bigger Lie

It’s His Party And They’ll Lie If He Wants To

August 13, 2021

If you have had the painful misfortune of being conscious for any of the past nine months or so, you are no doubt familiar with the phrase “the Big Lie.” This is how much of the reality-based media refers to Donald Turmp’s perpetual insistence that the 2020 election was stolen from him. There is also an amendment to the Big Lie, championed by, among and above others, My Crackhead Guy Mike Lindell. According the crack-damaged purveyor of pathetic pillows, the twice-impeached, disgraced, insurrectionist ex-president will be reinstated as president today (as previously reported here)

Despite the fact that there is absolutely no mechanism for such a thing to happen, even if there was some overarching reason, which there is not, Lindell has been relentless in his insistence that this will happen…except when he is vehemently denying that he ever said such a thing, which he clearly did, and still does.

In case you missed Messed-Up Mike’s 72-hour marathon evidence bomb, you are in very good company. This company includes yours truly, so I will not be reporting any of the insanity that certainly transpired. You’re welcome.

A recent survey of 1,552 U.S. adults, conducted between July 30 and August 2, found that 66 percent of Republican voters continue to insist that “the election was rigged and stolen from Turmp.” A worryingly low 18 percent believe “Joe Biden won fair and square.” That is a huge majority of the heavily armed, racist, fascist-loving party of Turmp who still believe this big, stupid lie that their standard bearer continues to flog at every opportunity. Side note: nearly 50 percent of these same mental defectives think they may have to resort to “Second Amendment remedies” to keep “their country” from falling into the wrong (i.e., non-white, non-racist, non-fascist) hands.

In a way, Turmp does have a point. The 2020 election was stolen from the Ratpublican-donor-owned voting machines; it was stolen from the years-long Russian attempts to install and then keep Turmp in office; it was stolen from the decades-long gerrymandering that has successfully kept Ratpublicans – who consistently receive significantly fewer overall votes – either in the majority in Congress, or at least with an inappropriately powerful minority. The 2020 election was stolen by the voting electorate, from the corporate overlords who control so much of what passes for governing. If that is stealing then I am Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But I digress. I really wanted to talk about the much bigger lie.

The big lie is actually the Ratpublican Party as an entity. They made Turmp their nominee; they then tried to normalize his racist, fascist behavior, embracing and enabling Turmp at every turn. When the had the opportunities to get him gone, thanks to the diligence of House Democrats’ two attempt to impeach They have wholeheartedly embraced Turmp’s 2020 election lie; you will almost never see a Ratpublican admit that Joseph Biden is the legitimately elected president of the United States.

They continue to support the big lie that the COVID virus pandemic is not a big deal, and there is no urgency for people to wear masks in public or to get vaccinated.

Don Winslow Films – Letter to Republicans

Ratpublicans remain wholly unwilling to stop lying about the inconvenient truth of the unrelenting climate crisis.

Climate-crisis-enhanced California wildfires are breaking records

More recently, Ratpublicans are lying about their shameless leader’s attempted coup. They say that the historic assault on the Capitol was just a harmless visit from patriotic tourists, nothing to see here. We’re lucky that these patriots did not “visit” the Capitol in planes. Many Ratpublicans are even lying about having originally not lied, when they said publicly that Turmp was unquestionably responsible for inciting his crazed white mob to stop the stealing of the steal. Now of course, we are learning more each day about the concerted effort Turmp was (and continues) making to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America.

Turmp’s January 6 message was clear; his marching
orders – and then some – were carried out to the letter. Turmp of course
did not have the guts to show up; that's a carboard cut-out with the crowd.

One of the other big Ratpublican lies, and they are not the only ones who seem willing to perpetuate this feces-infused fallacy, is that they are “the party of Abraham Lincoln.” This is like saying that Christians and Muslims are Jews because they all trace their roots back to the monotheism initiated by Abraham (Cohen, I assume).

I did not die for the sins of those who claim to
be my political descendants. They are lying cads.

And in the unlikely event that we awaken to a second Turmp term tomorrow, it has been nice knowing you.

I. Mangrey truthing.

1 comment:

  1. As to the cardboard cutout (which would have handled the pandemic much better than the 3D version did(n't):
    They definitely got the hands the right size!
