Thursday, January 28, 2016

Deface The Nation

What Hath Fox Wrought?

Des Moines, Iowa
January 28, 2016
This week on Deface The Nation we discuss the national embarrassment that is Donald Chrump and his campaign to bring out the very worst in America. He has recently racked up some impressive endorsements. There’s the runner-up for most attention-hungry – Sara Palin, religious fraud Jerry Falwell, Jr. and a bevy of white supremacists including ex-Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon David Duke who said, “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.” Arthur Jones, who ran for Congress in Illinois as a Republican recently endorsed Chrump. In 2012 Jones stated, “The Holocaust is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews.” Great Amerikans and geniuses all.

Sarah Palin sans lipstick doing Hamlet’s soliloquy
The latest fragment of Donald Chrump’s ongoing temper tantrum disguised as a political campaign has him backing out of the latest debate, pretending to show hurt feelings over Megyn Kelly’s “treating him unfairly” during the first debate some months ago, and Roger Ailes publicly disrespecting The Donald. Not even Bill O’Reilly’s pathetic begging changed Chrump’s mind. Chrump held his own event, where he did not have to waste time listening to anyone else and instead was able to talk to himself until he decided to stop.
While it is possible that a) this is in fact an actual campaign and not merely the latest installment in Chrump’s perpetual plea for attention, b) Chrump was treated the least bit unfairly, c) being treated unfairly was anything but par for the course if one is actually running for office, and d) Chrump has feelings for anything other than his over-sized ego, one could be excused for a) constantly considering plucking out one’s eyes and cementing shut one’s ears at the thought of one more moment of exposure to his visage or voice, b) pinching oneself repeatedly hoping to finally awaken from the surreal nightmare or c) planning a one-way trip to anywhere but here.

Nobody tells me what to do. I’m very rich.
I am Chrump, hear me bore.
Chrump claims it’s about Kelly and Ailes but it’s really about his inability to actually debate his rivals. His debate performances have gotten steadily less impressive – by almost any standard other than Chrump’s. As far as he is concerned he is the best, the best. Just ask him. We will just have to wait and see if his latest ploy pays off. Maybe a few of his loyal minions will realize that a man who claims to be unable to cope with a “tough” interviewer from his own team might not be the best choice to lead the free world. What would he have done in the face of the inbred terrorists in Oregon? Or the poisoning of Flint, Michigan’s water supply? Or another world leader disagreeing with him? It might be true, as Chrump said, that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” And he clearly believes that this is a good thing. Assuming he believes or even listens to anything that oozes out of the hole beneath his nose.

No tongue my friend. May the best weasel win.
Ted Cruz offered to donate $1.5M to wounded veterans if Chrump would debate him one-on-one after Donald scampered off in fear of Megyn Kelly hurting his wittle feewings. Chrump’s podium was emptier than usual at this, the final debate before the Iowa caucuses.

Chrump, who was joined by heavyweights Huckabee and Santorum – presumably to bask in his orangey glow, claims he will be spending the evening raising money for wounded veterans’ groups. His spokesperson could not name on single group that backs him. In fact Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America pledged to refuse any funds that Trump may try to donate from his Iowa event. The last time Chrump raised money for veterans it was for a group that had zero members, a staff one person and lost its tax exempt status a month later for failing to file tax returns for three years. Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and chairman of said in a statement. “Let me put this in language Donald Trump understands. You're a loser. You're a third-rate politician, who clearly doesn't understand issues, and is so scared of Megyn Kelly exposing it, that you're looking to use veterans to protect you from facing her questions.”
Chrump spokes-whacko Katrina Pierson, sporting bullets not brains
This has gone on much too long. America is in danger of swirling down the drain. I will be interested to see just how many people in this country are serious about putting a hateful and brutish clown in the White House. May God have mercy on our souls.

What the next generation thinks about Chrump
Just for the record…

According to numerous holocaust survivors including Anne Frank’s step-sister Eva Schloss, “If Donald Trump become[s] the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster…I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.”
I. Mangrey reporting.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA


  1. Well done as always; I assume the striped shirt picture of Trump is yours, in any case, love it!

    I also like the comment about Trump shooting someone in New York, and acknowledge that he is spot on in that he would lose no voters, because no one in New York, including the person he shoots, would vote for him.

  2. Try this at home!
    While viewing a picture of T-rump, play Big Time by Peter Gabriel
