Friday, June 24, 2016

Chrump Scam Pain


Off the rails, USA
June 23, 2016 

According to FEC filings the Chrump book tour campaign began the month of June with: One. Million. Dollars. In its war chest.  

No one can stop me now. I have…One. Million. Dollars.

The Clinton campaign by contrast only has a measly $40M. One reason Chrump has so little money is that he is keeping much of what comes his way from those gullible enough to give him money. Chrump, his family members, companies and friends are all making big bucks off of his “presidential campaign” - $6M, or 17% of the take so far. You would think a billionaire who is self-funding his campaign would not need to be skimming a few extra million off the top of what he tells us is a run for the White House. Speaking of which, he only has 30 staffers. Does he think he is running for president of his high school? Most of his overhead (other than his “hair”) is his teminal greed. He is making a killing on this thing. So keep those cards and letters coming folks. Just keep your money in your pocket.

Chrumpy, Orlando and Doom 

Chrump was very upset by the Orlando nightclub massacre. In part because there was no good guy with a gun to shoot at the bad guy with the guns - because what could possibly go wrong with that. Mostly he was put off because he thought it would improve his poll numbers more. Unsurprisingly anything that is bad for the rest of the world is bound to be good for The Chrump. He was salivating over the impending housing market collapse in 2007 because he would be able to scoop up cheap real estate. He was absolutely giddy at the thought of the Egyptian airliner being taken down by terrorists because it would prove him right. And he couldn’t wait to tell the world that he “called it” when it appeared that the Orlando shooter had ties to terrorists. The jury is still out on that one. The jury is decidedly not out on Chrump. Need more proof? Dick Cheney is on the Chrump train and Donald Rumsfeld said his decision to vote for Chrump over Clinton was “not a close call.”  

Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defects (10 great Jon Stewart minutes) 

I have the best eyes and I swear I saw Donald and his supporters dancing in the streets of Florida the day after the Pulse massacre. Maybe I didn’t see it, but I know people who did - I saw it on the internet. Somebody told me about it. Thousands of people are talking about it. Don’t I have the best hair? Nobody knows more about terrorists than Chrump. Just ask him. Nobody is more presidential than he is...with the possible exception of almost everyone else (though not Ted Cruz). And nobody does a better job of recruiting jihadists than Old Donald. Nobody. He’s also the best at recruiting haters right here in the USA. One week after the Orlando massacre Chrump gained several points in the polls; I assume due to his very presidential response. To be sure, not everyone who supports Chrump is a hater, just those who would actually vote for him. I tell you, he is thebest…at being the worst. 

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is leading Chrump by a pathetic five points. Five points. America where are you now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters?

Steppenwolf's Monster

I. Mangrey. I’m not on Facebook, but you can still like me.
Mad in USA

1 comment:

  1. This is all about the future Supreme Court. That is all.
