Friday, July 1, 2016

Incurious Bastard

Uncle Thomas Strikes Again

The Halls of Justice
July 1, 2016
Look up there, on the bench. It’s a mute. It’s a shame. It’s Uncle Thomas. Quieter than Marcel Marceau. Fewer words than Harpo Marx. More ignorant than a Tea Party congressman. Able to ignore critical legal arguments sans a single sound.
Affirmative Asshole
Clarence Thomas benefited enormously from the kind of affirmative-action programs he now so vigorously opposes. Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities as an undergraduate at Holy Cross College. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program implemented to achieve a 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid. But that was then. Between then and now Thomas got two jobs with in the Reagan White House specifically because he opposed the civil-rights movement, as did the great St. Ronnie. Now that racism is over, who needs civil rights? Or action, or anything affirmative? Thomas is just a great all-around guy who loves porn and harasses women. That stuff never gets old.
Reluctant law-porn star - Short Tongue Silver
Hello Dummy

Short Tongue Silver, the least-heard-from justice in the history of the highest court in the land. Thomas kept his trap shut for 10 years up until February of this year.
Now that Scalia the ventriloquist is gone Thomas the Dummy is left to offend for himself and has managed to utter some choice words of his own. Less than two weeks after Scalia left the bench the Mute One opened his own mouth and spoke for himself and his old boss. And what burning issue caused this self-imagined jurist purist to break his vow of silence? Protecting minorities from hate crimes and prejudice? Protecting women from gender discrimination? Protecting average Americans from greedy bankers and Wall Street thieves? ‘Fraid not.
Clarence Thomas finally disengaged his mute button over the last phrase of the cynically hallowed, deliberately misinterpreted Second Amendment. More specifically, he broke his vow of silence because he thought it was a terrible idea that domestic abusers should not be permitted to keep or bear arms. Militia? No man is an island, but every man is his own militia. Well regulated? Don’t waste my time with regulations.
Thomas fancies himself a protector of the original intent of the Constitution – that would be the same Constitution written by slave owners who considered his ancestors to be 3/5 of a person, and etched that sentiment in parchment. And that was the good part. It would have been a huge improvement had slaves actually been treated like 3/5 of a person. Thomas is not even 2/5 of an originalist.
The White to Bear Arms
Speaking of infringing on Americans’ rights to bear arms, let us not forget that in 1967 St. Ronnie Reagan – in cahoots with the NRA – imposed draconian gun restrictions via the Mulford Act in California when the Black Panthers decided to exercise the same Constitutional rights enjoyed by white people while patrolling the streets to keep their neighborhoods safe from police. Can you believe that back in the 20th century black people in America had to fear for their lives…from the police? Thank God those days are over.

Black Panthers exercising their God-given right to bear arms in 1967.
California Republicans eagerly supported increased gun control once the Panthers began their own open carry movement. Governor Reagan told reporters that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” He called guns a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” Reagan also said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.” The Mulford Act, he said, “would work no hardship on the honest citizen.” Guess Uncle Thomas doesn’t think his old boss Reagan was much of an originalist.
I. Mangrey reporting. Stop or I’ll shoot you a glance.
                                                                                                            Mad in USA