Thursday, October 11, 2018

America: Suicide Watch Edition

Forget 'American Carnage' It's American Suicide Time

October 11, 2018

America has long been guilty of throwing her weight around.  We talk about countries having questionable human rights records?  One of our arguably less horrible presidents, Barack Obama was droning the hell out of people – including some unknown number of innocent civilians – all over the place.  In our names, in our lifetimes, there have been horrible disruptions across the globe: regime changes, propping up of countless dictators, assassinations of leaders felt to be unfriendly to our (i.e., corporate) interests, nations held economic hostage, outright wars instigated by our elected leaders (and/or those who own them) for bad or no reason, and of course, the only use of nuclear bombs (and depleted-uranium-enhanced projectiles).  This kind of behavior has threatened the body politic, the citizenry, and at times the world.  America is not averse to making herself and those around her very sick.
We are witnessing in the time of Chrump some of the worst self-inflicted injury yet.  After surviving one of the worst administrations in our nation’s history, and then turning things around a bit with the subsequent administration – despite relentless Republican’t obstruction, Tea Party (an angry mob if ever there was one) idiocy and relentless racist douchebaggery, America was clearly in a state of deep depression leading up to the 2016 election.  With a choice between the two most unpopular presidential candidates in the history of polling, the electorate was dangerously on edge.  Add to that the malfeasance of James Comey and the successful interference on behalf of Donald Chrump by a Russian cast of thousands and a Chrumpian cast of who knows how many. 
The guy who “won” did not plan to win, he did not want to win, and ultimately did not, by any reasonable measure, win.  When it turned out that he did prevail – by hook and by crook, he fired everyone who might help do the job.  Then he brought in the most incompetent, corrupt group of egomaniacal psychos conceivable to run the show.  Sure, now many of them are or are about to be convicted felons, but do not forget, we still have Kellyanne Conway, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Wilbur Ross, Jeff Sessions (soon to be replaced by the equally demented Lindsey Graham), and a harrowing host of hapless whores in high places.  And let us not forget Chrump’s second-in-cahoots – the sickeningly translucent and often invisible, though no less dangerous Mike Pence.
Mike Pence
Chrump’s inauguration address/funeral dirge assaulted the nation – over half of whom were still trudging through various stages of grief – with his deeply troubling, psychotic “American Carnage” tableau.  Under the increasingly suffocating weight of Chrump’s abusive administration, America, though struggling to maintain some semblance of sanity, is arguably suicidal.  She tried to drink herself to death, started vomiting before the goal was accomplished, and then put a gun to her own head, was too drunk to shoot straight, and is now in the ICU trying to think of a reason to go on living.  The doctor on call has made clear the change in lifestyle that is necessary if a return to what passes for a healthy democratic nation is in the cards.  There is only one possible cure.  It is the predicted Blue Wave of the 2018 electorate.  Nothing else can save America’s life. 
So, will America decide to dial up the suicide hotline and summon up a reason to stay in the game on November 6th?  Or will she give up and wander off into Death Valley, never to be heard from again after changing her name to Chrumplandia?  The Untied States of Amnesia?
Chrump growled about American Carnage, but it was not made manifest until after his inauguration.  Things were not perfect before January 20, 2017 – not ever.  This nation is as flawed as any, but it has had its moments.  Chrump brought on the carnage with a vengeance.  He deepened the swamp and is perhaps literally strangling the life out of our democratic republic.  For over two years now, we kept thinking he cannot get any worse, and we had to force ourselves to think it every day, as he got worse and worse.  No one thinks he can’t get any worse anymore.
So, I guess if things do not turn around, we can call it assisted suicide.

I. Mangrey resuscitating.

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