Monday, October 8, 2018

Thought For The Day

Screw Columbus

October 8, 2018

Today, Americans almost nowhere celebrate lost sailor and genocidal maniac Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the “New World.”   Sure, without him none of what we have today would have been possible.  So, I guess I should take back my screw Columbus. 

Stan Freberg - Columbus
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

1 comment:

  1. The tentacles of Truth and justice have evaded American history since its conception. Like Lee Harvey Oswald really assassinated Kennedy. Like Paul Revere, Dawes, and Prescott really said one if by sea, two if buy land. Like Mel Brooks said in history of the World Part 1 when the Senate was passing by, bullshit, bulshit, bulshit! As if Pocahontas really was involved with John Smith. As if that story was really the truth! As if judge Kavanaugh will preside over his cases without any prejudgments. And finally based on your Columbus comment, he was a raping pillaging motherfucker who didn't do shit as far as discovering America! Once again justice will prevail. Only in the minds and Souls of the assholes, because those of us who are looking, know fucking better. This is Joe R. And I am paying attention not that it does me any good
