Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Money See, Money Do

Money See, Money Do
Global Economy Change

The Land That Brains Forgot
July 11, 2012

Before I go any further I must share a statistic that should be important to 88% of Americans.  I recently read that 12% of Americans apparently disagree with the premise set forth in the Declaration of Independence that a government derives its legitimacy from the people.  I’m not sure where these brainiacs think our government derives its legitimacy.  The King of England?  Funk and Wagnall’s?  God?  The Flying Spaghetti Monster?  Their neighbor’s dog?  The Koch brothers? 

As the Euro Zone collapses beneath the weight of a dissolving world economy and the crushing debt of countries too big to fail but too broke to live, Americans should take pause and look in the mirror.  We have our own rotting fish to fry, bailouts to recoup and states that cannot stand up under their own one-supersize-me-too-many obesity.  Maybe it’s time for the good old U.S. of A to jettison some of our own dead weight.  There are a few states that put much more into the pot than they take out and there are more than a few that simply suck the money, life and brains out of this country.
I mean if EuroWorld can toss out Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal or whatever, surely we could do without a few states like Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, West Virginia, Alabama and the Dakotas.  Each of these Red States takes 1½ -2 dollars for every one they put in.  They all hate big government so maybe we should let them see how they make out on their own, without all those Blue States keeping them simultaneously afloat and under their liberal/gay/black heel.
You may recall the redrawing of the state boundaries in the aftermath of the 2004 presidential election:

Now that the Supreme(ly conservative) Court has put its stump of approval on Mitt Romney’s Obama’s health care reform law it’s up to the states to make it a reality.  Unfortunately several governuts including Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Scott Walker (R-Koch Bros.), Rick Scott (R-Youkiddingme) and, one-time presidential candidate/punchline Rick “I-left-my-brain-in-my-other-pants” Perry (R-Secession) are throwing their best states-rights temper tantrums and refusing to implement the new law.  The governut of Maine, Paul LePage (R-Teabagging), who has a history of professional-level stupidity spewed out some of his patented oral refuse saying that the Affordable Care Act gives Americans no choice but to buy health insurance or "pay the new Gestapo — the IRS."  Heil Asshole.  All this as the Republican't controlled Congress votes for the 33rd time to repeal the ACA.  We’ll see how their soon-to-be-suffering-even-more constituents feel about being left in the lurch.
In other Economic Change news, the socialist/marxist/muslim/kenyan and duly elected usurper Barack Obama is poised to make yet another stand against letting the insane-tax-cuts-for-the-richest-one-percent continue for another year, while at the same time allowing the tax cuts for every non-corporate person making less than $250K a year to continue. 
Speaking of tax cuts, did you know that there is a tax break for companies that create American jobs…in other countries?  I get that there’s a global economy, but must we really make it easier for these Mighty (overseas) Job Creators to outsource our jobs while our unemployment is over 8%? 
I understand that these benevolent douchebags deities believe, in their tiny little hearts, that they are doing all they can to trickle down on us undeserving peons.  They’ve been hard at work trickling on us since St. Ronny graced us with his presidency and his union-busting, anti-regulation giveaways to the already greedy wealthy.  The only problem, other than the fact that, in all these years, not one drop of golden rain has yet to trickle all the way down to the huddled masses and our economy is on the fast track to nowhere and unemployment remains intransigent, is that anything that trickles down immediately evaporates back up to where it started. 
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment (and tax cuts for the poor) invited.

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