Monday, April 13, 2015

If You Can't Beat 'em (And This Guy Can't), Join 'em

Just Walker Away...Slowly

Madison, Wisconsin
April 13, 20215

Koch Brothers' prized possession, and possibly-soon-to-be-indicted Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is just a dim-witted announcement away from tossing his empty hat into the 2016 Republican't presidential primary race. Walker doesn't just hate workers and their unions, he compared union workers to ISIS, while saying that squashing workers' fighting for their rights prepared him to defeat ISIS. He also said that being an Eagle Scout prepares him to be president. If he enters the race, he'll have quite a fight on his hands to determine who hates intelligence, education, science, gays, women, the people who elected him (and especially those who didn't) and the poor more. He'll be facing some stiff competition from Cruz, Paul and now Rubio - the stiffs who have already entered the primary clown car. Just be glad you don't live in Wisconsin. But if you happen to live anywhere in the United States, be afraid. Be very afraid. And probably considerably amused.

Presidential dopeful, Scott Walker poses with his target constituency.

Yours briefly,
I. Mangrey.

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