Saturday, April 11, 2015

News of The Undead

Cheney Watch 2015

April 10, 2015

Because if someone doesn’t keep watch over him, who knows who could be the next one shot in the face and then have to apologize. Do you really think Harry Wittington is the only person Cheney shot in a drunken stupor. Do you really think Dick Cheney has to be drunk to shoot you in the face?

Cheney’s hunting buddy/target Harry Wittington - that's not acne

Even though, as far as we have been told, Cheney hasn’t recently shot anyone he continues to have serious problems with the gaping hole below his nose. In fairness, we cannot simply blame Cheney’s pie hole. There is clearly a poisonous fungus growing in his brain, one which leads poor demented Mr. Cheney to spew noxious filth at every turn. And blame must also go to anyone who puts a microphone anywhere near this sociopath. Here is a recent sample of Cheney’s psychotic treasonous drivel:

“I vacillate between the various theories I’ve heard, but you know, if you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing.”

This of course, by most accounts including almost every historian, is an incredibly accurate description of the Bush/Cheney administration. Dick was probably talking into a mirror, but since he casts no reflection it’s hard to for him to tell.

Let’s take this item by item:

- somebody as president who wanted to take America down: How about ignoring all the warnings and allowing the 9/11 attacks on America? Who invaded an uninvolved country (which gave us the historic instability in the Middle East today) while protecting the country that housed and financed the attackers? Did Joe Biden ever out an undercover CIA operative out of revenge for her husband telling the truth about nuclear threats?

- who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events: When was this country ever weaker in the eyes of the world (and over half of its own citizens) than when Cheney and Howdy Doody were in command weakening world stability, the world economy and any trust other countries had in the United States?

- turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries: Nobody did this better and more consistently than Bush/Cheney, who legalized torture, wiretapped just about everyone on the planet and helped recruit more terrorists than Osama bin Laden ever could have done on his own.

Cheney’s BFF

Another un-elected president, Gerald Ford flanked by
Chief of Staff Rumsfeld and (left) and his assistant,
Cheney (right) having a good laugh
after pardoning Richard Nixon

We also find our thoughts and stomachs turning to another zombie who can’t keep his maw shut. Let’s take a look back at Donald Rumsfeld’s epic memo to Douglas Feith from 2003. Feith, you will likely not recall, was Rummy’s number three civilian at the Pentagon during Cheney’s War to Free Halliburton in Iraq. Feith was just below Paul Wolfowitz who, among other brilliant assessments of the situation, assured us there was no reason to fear Shiite-Sunni bloodshed after a US invasion; that precise form of bloodshed began long before Cheney’s War, exploded anew the moment we entered Iraq, and shows no signs of anything but escalating. But I digress. According to a Washington Post profile of Feith just before the invasion, he was "disliked by many people who work with him on a daily basis." A March 2003 National Journal article noted that "it is hard to overstate how utterly Feith is reviled in certain circles." In Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack, Gen. Tommy Franks calls Feith "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth." And this is the guy Rumsfeld turned to when everything started turning to crap in Iraq. Here’s the memo Rumsfeld sent twelve years ago this week:

Memo to "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth."

Yes, those were the days. And these guys worry about what Obama is doing to America. What a bunch of…Cheneys.

I. Mangrey reporting. Who’s taking down Cheney?

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