Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth: A Great Place To Raise Your Kids

Is The Climate Changing or Is It Just Me
Happy Earth Day
April 22, 2016
Hey, remember the Earth? Many of us live there, or used to. Unfortunately too many of us are Republican’t Americans. There is no other politically empowered group of people on the Earth so vigorously denying climate science as these lunkheads. Dictators, terrorists and even most morons in other countries think we should take action to combat global climate change. And of course the reportedly inconsequential, totally biased 97% of climate scientists. But not Republican’ts. Insane or stupid – you make the call. ‘Both’ is also an acceptable answer.
One more thing Republican’ts think is just a theory

As if to remind us of just how much humans respect the only habitable planet we know of, the trans-Alaska Pipeline had to be shut down for several hours Wednesday night after a fire erupted at a pump station near the Arctic Circle, according to pipeline and state officials. You might not have heard about this latest event is because leaks, fires and explosions happen all the time – almost as often as someone is shot by a toddler (which is around once a week in America) – and because very powerful people have a vested interest in keeping such things quiet.

For some reason people were complaining about the Alaska pipeline right from the get-go. But not everyone thought it was a bad idea. Let’s assume George H.W. Bush was right back in 1991 when he said of the Alaska pipeline, "The caribou love it. They rub against it and they have babies. There are more caribou in Alaska than you can shake a stick at." Actually let’s not, and not even say we did.

In any event, tell the Earth you care today. Look at her longingly from outer space. Plant a tree, ride a bike, put a windmill in your yard, some solar panels on your roof and if you have an extra 80 or 90 grand gathering dust, buy a Tesla.
I. Mangrey recycling.


  1. Maybe I could be change my polluting ways and be more green, and leave less of a carbon footstep on the planet.

    Maybe I could tell others of this way of thinking, and they could act upon it and also be a force for positive environmental

    Maybe I could be a touch stone of inspiration to a new generation, and be a force for once and for all finally turning back the forces of destruction!


  2. New Tesla $35,000!!
    If you order now, you'll have yours in about 2 years...

  3. New Tesla $35,000!!
    If you order now, you'll have yours in about 2 years...
