Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lather, Rant, Repeat

But Wait…There’s Moore

September 23, 2017
Senate Republican’ts, bent on simultaneously subverting democracy and healthcare, are taking one more stab at murdering Obamacare. If they cannot commit this murder (and by extension, the murder of thousands of Americans) by the end of this month, they will be subjected to their own despicable, anti-democratic standard of needing 60 votes to pass anything. Republican’ts admit they do not know what will happen if the current bill passes, but that is not their concern; they just want to pass something. Anything. Especially something that takes money from the poor, so they can give it to the rich. It seems they are down to their last two chances – slim and none. However, if Obamacare is repealed then Chrump will be forced to step down since he is a pre-existing condition.
In his spare time, America’s festering puss wart-in-chief is currently engaged in a battle of half-wits with the man he now calls “Little Rocket Man” – Kim Jong-un. See what Chrump did there? He added a ‘little’ in front of ‘Rocket Man’ to make it even more insulting. How does he come up with this stuff? And so quickly. He is getting to be such a big boy.
Kim Jong-un, for his part is holding his own, calling his dance-of-death partner a “dotard”, adding, “Far from making remarks of any persuasive power that can be viewed to be helpful to defusing tension, he made unprecedented rude nonsense one has never heard from any of his predecessors. A frightened dog barks louder.” Downright poetic.

One cannot but admit that Kim, for all his almost countless faults, shows considerably more class and style than Chrump. The full ‘dotard’ quote was, “His remarks…have convinced me, rather than frightening or stopping me, that the path I chose is correct and that it is the one I have to follow to the last. …I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.” And let’s be honest, as absurd as it may be, Kim’s hair makes much more sense than that substance atop the Orange Gas Cloud.
Break Out the Anti-Moronics
Speaking of dangerous, contagious diseases, despite all attempts at treatment, Sarah Palin has resurfaced to support a senate candidate against whom her ex-BFF Chrump is campaigning. Strangely, Chrump is siding with the lesser of two racists. The seat in question is that previously held by Jefferson Robert E. Lee Stonewall Calhoun Beauregard Sessions. Palin is palling around with Chrump’s Nazi ex-advisor Sebastian Gorka and white supremacist extraordinaire Steve Bannon, to back Roy Moore.
Moore, an unrepentant ‘birther’, was elected Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2001. The Alabama Court of the Judiciary removed him from office in November 2003 for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from in front of his courthouse. I mean, why all the fuss? People are so obsessed with the Constitution. I just do not get it. Separation of Church and State? What loser came up with that? Thomas Jefferson? Who died and made him founding father? The guy did his own edit of the Bible and was not even a religious fanatic.
Moore then ran for governor of Alabama and got crushed in the primary. The consistent, if not too bright people of Alabama again elected Moore Chief Justice in 2013, but he was suspended in May 2016, for directing probate judges to ignore the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage. Now Moore is leading the Republican’t primary race on the eve of Tuesday’s vote.
I. Mangrey reporting. In The Year Of Our Lord Clearly Giving Up And Leaving.

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