Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Deeply Rooted In The Nation’s History And Traditions

Deeply Troubling In The Nation’s History And Traditions

July 13, 2022

Dead or alive?

The notion of things “deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions” was used by Scam Alito as an excuse to overturn 50 years of the previously deeply-rooted-in-the-nation’s-history-and-traditions right of women to control what they do with their own bodies. Slavery, one of America’s most debilitating birth defects – along with the genocide of the land’s original inhabitants – is in fact deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions. It remained so for almost a century, after which time it was dragged kicking and screaming out of existence. This was followed by another century of hatred, oppression and lynching.*

Things that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution: not shooting unarmed Black men in the back 60 times or kneeling on their necks until and well after they are dead, the number of justices on the Supreme Court, the stupid fucking filibuster, abortions, same sex marriage, marriage of any kind, sex of any kind, women, Clarence Thomas, Cheez Whiz, Mitch Fucking McConnell, privacy, computers, assault rifles, science and common sense.

You know what is in the Constitution? The Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Abort the Court! Replace the Disgrace!

So-called originalists like Antonin Scalia, who is thankfully still dead, like to pretend that this penultimate of the original ten amendments (not commandments, as some would have us believe) does not exist. The one that says, “Just in case we might have left a few things out, or I don’t know, maybe if things change next month or in a hundred years (like maybe if someone invents something more deadly than a musket, or if we someday realize that slavery is bad, and women should have the right to vote), it should be understood that we did not think of everything. Who the fuck could?”

Recall that Scalia, Thomas and their fellow farcical phonies also disingenuously proclaim that they know what the founders had in mind when they crafted and drafted the schematic for America. Funny thing – the founders themselves often disagreed with each other, and not infrequently with themselves. Yet, they were able to back their egos up enough to compromise sufficiently to reach consensus and begin a great experiment in governance. Those days, and those egos are long fucking gone.

*The genocide of Native Americans continued unabated, and rather than being dragged kicking and/or screaming out of existence, was mostly swept under the rug and continues in slow motion since there were and are not enough of them to sufficiently rub our noses in it.

I. Mangrey, deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions (for better or worse).              


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