Friday, July 29, 2022

Fun Fact For The Day

Hershel Hears A Huh?

July 29, 2022

Ex-football star and current frighteningly uninformed and just-plain-stupid Georgia gubernatorial candidate Hershel Walker is so staggeringly ignorant that a normal person can actually become permanently less intelligent just by listening to him for more than five seconds. Walker’s staff has reported that they cannot trust anything the candidate says because he has been lying to them on a constant basis. Lying on a consistent basis is nothing new for Walker. Despite his frequent blather about the importance of family and being a good father, Walker has been lying about at least four out-of-wedlock children he may or may not have been supporting.

Walker lying about being an FBI agent while sporting a Cassius Clay t-shirt.
A Cassius Clay t-shirt, you ask? Don’t ask. He might answer.

There are also other fun facts about Walker’s past. Besides lying about being in the FBI, and threatening to blow his wife’s brains out while pointing a gun at her head, Walker has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. What has not been widely reported is that he also has singular-personality disorder. It seems unlikely that any of Walker’s personalities can form a intelligible sentence or manufacture a coherent thought.

Just thought you might like to know.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

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