Thursday, July 21, 2022

Moving The Coalposts

Bernie and the Haunted Manchin

July 21, 2022

As mentioned previously here and just about everywhere else, Sen. Joe Mansion (D/R-Coal) and his coal-powered pecker just bellowed a lusty and heartless-felt FUCK YOU to the world. He has been stringing us along for months. Moving the coalposts, pretending to negotiate. Bernie Sanders laid it on the line in spelling out Mansion’s Joe Job after the media broke the news of Mansion’s abrupt change of heartless:

“He didn’t abruptly do anything – he has sabotaged the president’s agenda No, look, if you check the record, six months ago, I made it clear that you have people like Manchin, [Arizona Sen. Kyrsten] Sinema to a lesser degree, who are intentionally sabotaging the President's agenda, what the American people want, what a majority of us in the Democratic caucus want. Nothing new about this. And the problem was that we continue to talk to Manchin like he was serious. He was not. This is a guy who is [a] major recipient of fossil fuel money, a guy who has received campaign contributions from 25 Republican billionaires. ... In my humble opinion, Manchin represents the very wealthiest people in this country, not working families in West Virginia or America.”

Bernie Sanders is rapidly running out of fucks to give

The White House issued a sternly worded comment. Well, sort of. A White House official, who requested anonymity (how brave) said in a statement, “The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will. We are considering all options and no decision has been made.” Wow, some anonymous putz took time from his or her busy schedule of not doing anything to let us know in no uncertain terms that “no decision has been made.” Whew. Now that’s what I call courage in the face of global disaster. Why make a decision when you can make no decision?

Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (1987)

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously fucking kidding me? Or just fucking me? And everyone else. The president made it clear that if the Senate doesn’t act then he will? What the fuck. Wasn’t the cut-off date like 20 years ago?* Did the president miss the part where Joe Mansion just flipped off Democrats and the Earth? The fucking Senate already did not act. That was in the past. It has already happened. The fact that it is continuing to happen does not negate the fact that the Senate already didn’t act. Not only have they already not acted, but there is zero chance, at best, that they will act in the future. So, Mr. President – fucking do something already. Like, now. We’re waiting. And dying.

The record-breaking Great Heat Wave of 2022 has already killed more than a thousand worldwide as many hover around 100°F across the globe, with 100,000,000 Americans spending almost a week under an extreme heat advisory. Shit's on fire everywhere. According to scientists, the level of climate catastrophe we are currently experiencing will not be the new normal. Good news, you say? Well guess again. In a few years we will be looking back on today’s horrific climate-crisis-influenced mess with great fondness.

[If we do nothing sufficient now to mitigate the climate crisis], “we will see an increase in these types of events. They become more frequent, more severe, and we see events that we’ve never seen before. You know, there’s a tendency to talk about this kind of heat and say, well it’s the new normal. Unfortunately it’s not the new normal. It’s what we’ll be nostalgic for in a few years if we continue the way that we are moving the world’s climate right now.”
Benjamin Zaitchik, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins U

Mansion claims he is only interested in what’s best for West Virginia and all Americans, and he is just worried sick about inflation. Some people, including this reporter, would be inclined to describe this as bullshit. Now, it might be bullshit because he is too old to care if the climate crisis will fuck the planet beyond what humans can tolerate. Or, it might be bullshit because Mansion doesn’t understand how fighting climate crisis is also good for West Virginians, all Americans and the economy. But my money is on it being bullshit because Joe Mansion is full of shit. He does not give a shit about West Virginians, Americans or any other people, or the economy/inflation. He is a greedy, arrogant rich bastard in nice guy’s clothing…well, expensive clothing.

To Quote VP Joe Biden: “This Is A Big Fucking Deal.”

Why won't President Biden declare a climate emergency? What exactly would an emergency look like? Would we be able to see it, or would our eyes have already burned up in our heads?

Paul Revere & The Raiders – Too Much Talk (1968)


Why isn’t the Secret Service under arrest for destroying government records…and for not letting Donald Turmp get shot – not killed mind you, just shot…say in the middle of Fifth Avenue, or something like that.

*It was probably much longer ago than that, but why quibble over the habitability of our planet.

I. Mangrey

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