Friday, April 27, 2012

Is Our Ex-“presidents” Learning?

April 27, 2012

         Never Forget

George W. Bush came out of hiding for some unknown reason to throw his tongue into the ring as the 2012 Republican’t primary disintegrates at long last into the unavoidable Romney nomination.  The Toxic Appointee who has been persona non grata during the first year of the Republican’t primary poked his way back into the public eye – the public eye he so thoroughly blackened for eight years.  His bungled presidency, after being appointed by the radical activist Supreme Court, has left us on the brink of countless disasters.  You name it he fucked it up royally.

Yes the economy under Obama is in the toilet, but he started out with the worst economic scenario of any president in modern history.  Unlike Bush who started out with the best economic scenario a president could hope for and wasted no time treating it like it was his own liver.  Think of Obama’s mission as akin to being made captain of the Titanic minutes after it hit the iceberg.  Okay son, it’s all yours take her back into port.  I’m going below for a nap.  Oh yeah, and the crew hates your guts, but not because you’re black…we swear.

What would you expect after eight years of resolute, enthusiastic dismantling of the American social and economic structure?  Let’s not even get into the moral decay consequent to the illegal invasion of Iraq for no good reason after allowing 9/11 on his watch, the codification of torture, the elimination of Habeas Corpus, The PATRIOT Act, the unprecedented wiretapping of millions of Americans and…Dick Cheney.

Just a few interesting statistics to consider:
·         According to the Office of Management and Budget, the national debt under W increased every single year, from $5.63B in 2000 to $9.99B in 2008. 
·         The Census Bureau tells us that median household income started at $52,500 in 2000, hit $50,600 in 2004, rebounded to $52,000 in 2007 and ended up at $50,200 in 2008.
·         Employment in manufacturing was on an upward trend throughout the 1990s. It went downhill every year from 2000 to 2008 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
·         Throughout most of the 20th century – from 1950 to 1980 – hourly wages increased at about the same rate as productivity. From 2000 through 2008 productivity went through the roof as wages went absolutely nowhere.
·         The Dow Jones under G.W. Bush started at 9880 and ended up at 7600 (-25%), under Obama it started at 7600 and is currently over 13000 (+68%)

The one thing that went up between 2001 and 2007 was corporate profits.  Corporate profits experienced average annual growth of 10.8%, as compared with average growth of 7.4% during comparable post-war periods.  Heck of a job Bushie.

Befuddled and bewildering as ever, the ex-“president” stood before cameras, and what one must assume was a well-paid audience, to tell us he doesn’t need the limelight because he already had enough of the limelight.  I can’t help but wonder if this knucklehead is ever fully conscious.

It’s difficult to recreate the vapid look, the facial missteps and the unforgettable oratory nuances of the Grating Communicator’s live performance via the printed word.  Let’s just say that The Little “President” That Couldn’t has not lost any of his elocutionary elegance.  “If you raise taxes, inotherwords if you let the I wish they weren’t called the Bush Tax Cuts, if they were called some other body’s tax cuts they’re probably less likely to be raised. Heh heh.”  A skunk by any other name…

Extending the insane, already devastating Bush tax cuts for 10 years will result in $4T in debt.  Willard Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Ayn Rand) are proposing not only extending the Bush cuts, but also adding another $2T in debt by cutting critical social programs for the poorest among us.  They want means testing for people on welfare – if they have $2000 in the bank they’re too rich for welfare, but if they’re millionaires they can still collect Social Security.  And people actually vote for these guys? 

Tune in next time when we hear George W. say, “Iffen only my name hadn’t a been George maybe the whole world wouldn’t a thought I was the worst fucking president in Amurkin history.  Ah lived up to every misunderestimation y’all had of me.  I never made any mistakes and my mother, who hates jes about everyone else loves me.  Now watch this drive.”
In other news, from the Bureau of AYFKM: In 2010, when Obama first tried to modestly raise taxes on the richest Americans, Steven Schwartzman who runs the world’s largest private equity fund – buyout giant, The Blackstone Group – compared the president’s attempt to level the playing field to…wait for it: "It's a war.  It's like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939."  Last year Schwartzman took home over $123M in pay and dividends, 30% more than in 2010.  I assume that Schwartzman is Jewish.  Maybe Jews should consider learning how to do excommunications.  Or maybe a cage match between Schwartzman and Mel Gibson.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment (and justice for all) invited.

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