Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who am I? 
My brain is too small.
My term is too long.
My loyalty can be
Bought for a song.
I make my own rules.
Take the people for dupes.
Yet you elect me again
And again, then say Oops.


That’s the rule in the Senate.  60%.  For anything to happen in the Senate you need a 60% majority.  Not a simple majority, which works in almost any situation where people are asked to choose one thing over another - that would be 51%.  Sure it tends to be annoying to almost half of those involved, but that’s life.  Except in the Senate, once considered the greatest deliberative body in the world.  Now just a bunch of corporate-owned brats holding their breath until they get what they want.  And since there’s not an actual 60% majority for either party, and barely a backbone among them the U.S. Senate has become a legislative Black Hole.  Anything that gets within a hundred yards of the place gets sucked in never again to see the light of day.

You only need 66% of the states to ratify a Constitutional Amendment,  one of the largest hurdles in American politics.  But you need 60% to get a damn thing done in the U.S. Senate.  Because they make up their own rules.  And who the fuck are they?  Senators were appointed by state legislatures until the early 1900s.  Now their positions are purchased by large corporations who allow the public to hold mock elections that enable these whores to sit for six years at a stretch for as long as they like, after which time they become corporate executives for the very firms who put them in position to make (usually stifle) laws in order to benefit their benefactors.  To be fair, this isn’t true of all senators…only about 98% of them.

It’s time for We The People to adopt the same laws as our esteemed senate.  No election shall be decided unless the victor garners at least 60% of the vote.  If nobody has 60% there must be a do-over.  That is, assuming no one decides to filibuster the whole process.  And when it comes to electing a president, the winner must have a two-thirds majority.  Oh, and one more thing; absolutely zero tolerance for having any more presidents appointed by five (or any number of) Supreme Court justices, even if they one day turn out to be liberal…or even judicial.

Apologies to Al Franken (D-MN), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Occupy The Future.

Ed Venture, peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Deer Sir,

    There are deer in my backyard. Deer were all I could think about. Until now. I agree. These people are thugs and should be hung upside down by their toes until they admit they are latter-day Neros and are convicted of their crimes and go to jail. Directly. No Go passing. And no, certainly no collecting of $200. Thank you.

    Scott Bratwurstwick
