Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Do You Smell What I Smell?

That’s Fascism Cooking

May 23, 2018
It truly pains me to say this, but though he is undoubtedly a narcissistic fascist, Donald Chrump is not Adolf Hitler.  However, the enduring effect that he will leave in his wake, will leave the United States in a state of ignominy similar to Germany after Hitler.  One major difference is that since Ivanka is Jewish, so daddy will not be rounding up the Jews...just the Latinos.  The other good news, of course, is that eventually Germany atoned for its sins and became a valued member of the world community.  And it took only a handful decades to remove much of the blood and stink.

Leslie Stahl recently spoke about a meeting she had with Chrump in immediately before his first interview after winning the Electoral College.  She asked this pettiest of tyrants why he refused to stop relentlessly bashing the press. Stahl said she asked Chrump, “Why do you keep hammering at this? And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all, so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.”  By “no one” Chrump meant no one who has their head so far up Fux News’ asshole that they would not know real news if Dick Cheney shot them in the face with it.
The same moron who whined about Hillary Clinton’s emails ad nauseam, now cannot be bothered to use a secure phone because it is “too inconvenient.”  You might recall Il Douche screaming, “Hillary even sold out our nation’s security with her illegal private server,” and “She should be in jail for what she did.”  Heaven forbid Mr. Chrump should be inconvenienced.  It’s not like he is president of the United States or anything.  Seriously, it’s not like he is president. 
I know I said that Chrump is not Hitler, but the longer he stays in office, the more I think I might have gesprochen too soon.  First, we have Chrump’s Minister of Environmental Destruction Scott Pruitt banishing and forcibly removing selected reporters from an event on toxic chemicals.  Next we have Chrump’s Chief-of -stuff John Kelly announcing that Democrats are to be excluded from a meeting planned for tomorrow to provide more information about the FBI informant that Chrump claims infiltrated his 2016 campaign.  (According to Democrat Adam Schiff, intelligence sources told him that there will be Democrats at the meeting, so there might some early morning fireworks between the White House and the intelligence community.)  In any event, this meeting is the result of Chrump forcing the Justice Department to go fish for his red herring/spy conspiracy theory.  There are more fissures opening up in the Constitution’s foundation than those wantonly spewing molten lava and toxic gases all over Hawai’i thanks to unending eruption of Mt. Kiluea. 
Donald Chrump is the lava flow of presidents.  It is more than the fact that they have similar coloring at some point, and both are emitting toxic gases.  Like Chrump, lava cannot be stopped until it essentially stops itself.  Neither one has the slightest hint of concern for anything.  Lava is not sentient and therefore not expected to show empathy.  Chrump, whose sentience has yet to be proven, supposedly has the neurological equipment to do so, but clearly has neither ability nor interest in accessing that ability.  Like Chrump, lava obliterates everything in its path.  Bullets can’t stop it, rockets can’t stop it, you can’t even use nuclear force.  What Kiluea is doing to Hawai’i, Chrump is doing to the mainland.  Just that he is not physically destroying everything in his path.  That would actually be better than what he is doing.  Der Furor is wreaking havoc on the very heart and soul of America – not that they were particularly healthy to begin with.
I. Mangrey erupting.  I’d rather have lave in the White House…especially right now

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