Sunday, May 15, 2022

Perjury for Beginners (And Supreme Court Nominees)

And Injustice For All

May 15, 2022

The following blatant lies were uttered under oath during the Senate confirmation hearings of five currently (unde)serving members of the United States Supreme Court, each of whom was nominated specifically for their radical religious belief and deeply held desire and promise to overturn Roe v. Wade and subjugate women:

Clarence Thomasǂ 1991: I have not made a decision one way or the other.

Sam Alito 2006: Roe vs. Wade is an important decision of the Supreme Court that was decided in 1973, so it’s been on the books for a long time.

Neil Gorsuch* 2017: I will tell you that Roe vs. Wade, decided in 1973, is a precedent of the United States Supreme Court. It was reaffirmed in Casey in 1992, and in several other cases.

Brett Kavanaughǂ 2018: I said it was settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court entitled to respect under principles under stare decicis

Amy Clowney Barrett** 2020: Roe vs. Wade clearly held that the Constitution protected a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy. Casey upheld that central holding and spelled out in greater detail the test that the Court uses to consider the legality of abortion regulations

This is how human rights and democracies die.

Many People Are Saying That Mud Is Transparent

Just so we’re clear, the people who disparage science at every turn, who think that maybe drinking disinfectant might kill a virus, suddenly claim that science tells them when life begins and gives them the right to decide what women should be permitted to do with their own bodies.

These nimrods caterwaul at every opportunity insisting that climate science is unsettled because 3% of the world’s climate “scientists” are not convinced of the most obvious fact in human history: that human beings’ reckless addiction to technology, particularly internal combustion, factory farming and now the mining of bitcoin, is implicated in the accelerating collapse of the environment.

I look forward to someone with more time on their hands and better resources coming up with the percentage of biologists who believe that life begins at bend-over-whether-you-want-to-or-not. Or even at conception.

George Carlin: FM & AM - Birth Control

* seat stolen from a rightful Obama nominee

** seat stolen from a rightful Biden nominee

ǂ credibly accused of sexual harassment

I. Mangrey reporting.

Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves

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