Monday, December 5, 2022

Fun Fact For The Day

Walker, Don’t Run

December 5, 2022

It’s once again Election Eve in (part of) Americaland. Though it’s only Texas…I mean, Georgia, much of the nation is watching this race very closely. It is possible that a win for Democrats – and mammals everywhere – could go a long way toward Manchin-proofing the Senate.

Ignore for the moment that the House will be in the hands of a bunch of mental patients and the fact that Herschel Walker seems to think (and I use the term wrongly) he is running for a seat in the House, and hopefully take your pleasure where you can find them.

Sen. Rafael Warnock – hopefully waving good-bye to the man with no brain

Here's The Fact:

Someone should tell wannabe-Senator-Shit-For-Brains that Cassius Clay Changed his name a few years ago. And then tell him to go back to sucking rocks in Texas, where he lives.

Good luck Georgia. Good luck to us every one.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

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