Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Tale Of Two Parties

No Left Turns Allowed 

Battleground, USA
October 13, 2012 

Maybe it’s just me, but I could have sworn I saw Jeb Bush stand in front of his fellow Republican’ts in Tampa saying that his brother, George W. Bush “kept us safe” while he was president.  As I said, maybe it’s me, but my memory is that George W. Bush was, by whatever means, president of the United States beginning on January 20, 2001.  My memory further informs me, now correct me if I’m wrong, that after this dipshit was appointed president by the illegal incursion of the Supreme Court into Florida’s counting of the votes, he took a long vacation. 
To be fair, before his month-long vacation after being on the job-he-wanted-to-get-but-not-to-do for barely six months, he worked diligently and swiftly to evaporate the huge budget surplus bequeathed him by one William Jefferson Clinton.  He achieved this objective by giving most of our money to the wealthiest one percent.  Meanwhile his vice-president/overlord was plotting the last throes of the environment and the invasion of Iraq, but that’s a different story. 
Then Bush went to his “ranch” in Crawford, TX to clear some brush, play video games and drool on himself - he would not lose consciousness after being beaten to a pulp by a Ninja pretzel for another six months - while ignoring mountains of credible intelligence from across the globe and from the CIA, including the August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing entitled “Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.”  And now we have learned that there were many more attempts by the CIA warning of an imminent assault, all ignored by BushCo for some unexplainable reason.  It’s almost as though their primary foreign policy concern, from the moment they took the White House, was invading Iraq and making billions for Halliburton to fund Cheney’s retirement.
Bush Beaten By Pretzel, Even Supreme Court Declines To Prosecute
Brother Jeb gets to say George “kept us safe” on national television and the liberal mainstream media is too busy watching Clint Eastwood talk to an empty chair to notice.  The only thing Jeb and the Republican’ts mentioned less than George W. Bush was the war in Afghanistan, a war begun under Jeb’s brother’s watch, a war they were unable to mention one singe time during their entire con-vention.  Not one single word about the longest war in American history.  Let’s not forget that after abandoning Afghanistan and illegally invading Iraq, the Republican’ts’ feckless leader put a ban on allowing returning coffins to be photographed; Obama oversaw the rescinding of that ban.  Not only were the  Bushies intent on hiding the war from the accountants, but from the American public as well.  Can you imagine the shriek and caw we would have heard if the parties in this story had been reversed?
Skip ahead to May 1, 2011 - eight years after Bush's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED moment.  Barack Obama is commander-in-chief.  He makes a tough decision – no I’m not talking about extending Bush’s disastrous tax-cuts-for-the-rich.  Obama sends Navy Seal Team 6 into Pakistan (whence Bush fled and Romney swore not to go), to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden.  The man who planned and took pride in the attack on September 11, 2001, the attack that happened on George W. Bush’s watch, while he was keeping us safe…from unruly shrubbery.  The man who George W. Bush, six months after allowing the worst attack on American soil - on his watch, declared he was not concerned about.
The same Republican’ts who oversaw overlooked the 9/11 attacks could not find it in themselves to give credit where credit is due.  Since the whole 9/11 thing was little more than a prop for the party of Lincoln-turning-over-in-his-grave, they were hoping all the glory derived from it would be theirs.  They were too gutless to admit they were in charge when the shit hit the fan and too worthless to acknowledge that someone finally made good on the job they failed to do - killing America’s most wanted villain.  Ten years after Bush became unconcerned about him.  Yet they insisted Bush, not Obama, deserved the credit for killing bin Laden.  AYFKM.
Apparently the Republican’ts have completely forgotten that they started a war that they quickly walked away from to go after Saddam Hussein’s oil wells in Iraq.  They walked away, but left a bunch of our people there in Afghanistan, wandering around with no clear mission, just hoping not to get killed for no clear reason - like all those who died that way in Iraq between 2003, when Bush illegally sent troops there, until 2011 when Obama finally put a stop to it.  Whatever happened to the wailing and gnashing of teeth over anyone dissing a president during time of war?  I guess if you pretend we’re not at war it’s acceptable?  What about the danger of changing the commander-in-chief while our nation is at war?  I guess that too is fair game if that commander is a Democrat and you’re trying as hard as you can to ignore the fact that our people are in harm’s way.  That we are still engaged in a war that George W. Bush began/ignored.  What is it with these assholes?
In case any Republican’ts get happen to see this I’ll make it simple:
George W. Bush                                                         Barack Obama
Allowed worst attack on American soil           Allowed zero massive attacks on American soil
Started illegal war in Iraq                                            Ended illegal war in Iraq
Quickly lost interest in eliminating bin Laden                          Eliminated bin Laden 

Yes, George W. Bush is gone, but his misery memory lives on.  His economy, his Crusade to force democracy across the Middle East, his destruction of education.  And his party lies on.  And Willard Romney has hired many of George's "advisors" to build his policies-du-jour.  Who knows what Romney might actually do as president?  One thing for sure, he will continue the loud sucking sounds George Bush made.  In magic underwear.

My brain hurts. 

I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.

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