Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pompous Circumstances

Willard Romney, Inc. 

Land of The Latter Day Saints...and Sinners
October 14, 2012 

Corporations are people my friends.  Or so I have heard.  And one of those people is Willard Romney.  Willard "Bain" Romney still has oodles (a reported $8M) of stock in Bain Capital, stock that continues to pour money into his already very deep pockets and will continue to do so even if he is elected...well you know.  In the grand tradition of Dick "Halliburton" Cheney, Romney wants to bring his CEO sensibility to Pennsylvania Avenue.  If there is a God I hope he has not been surreptitiously baptized as a Mormon.
Sensata Technology, a company under the loving control thumb of Bain Capital, has just been legitimately raped, its jobs killed and en route to China.  Bain of course was a ballbreaker groundbreaker in the great outsourcing movement back when Willard and his merry money magnates realized it was much easier to "harvest" already existing companies than to do an honest day's work.  Sensata's workers were forced to train Chinese workers to do their jobs, for which these replacements will be paid less than a dollar an hour and work under shockingly inhuman conditions.  The American flag outside the plant where some have worked for over forty years was taken down while the Chinese were stealing American jobs and replaced only after they left, training and jobs in hand.  WTF.
Sensata's non-union workers have been protesting to keep their jobs right here in America.  They have also been getting arrested for civil disobedience actions in their efforts to stop trucks from removing all the equipment they have been using for years.  Sensata was a highly profitable company right up until their company was snatched right out of their hands.  The 179 Sensata workers who are losing their jobs to China have asked Romney to use his considerable influence at Bain to save their jobs.  Willard has refused to meet with the workers, presumably because he cares so much for 100% of Americans.  It couldn't be clearer that Romney wants to sell this country right out from under us to the Chinese while hiding all his profits offshore to make his piracy complete.  I wonder if they misspelled Bane on purpose.
Willard Romney is a corporation my friends.  He is a heartless capitalist.  It matters little that he, as Paul Ryan emoted during his spanking by Joe Biden in the recent debate, offered to help a desperate family belonging to his church in Massachusetts.  Even Attila The Hun had friends that he graciously never killed.  In fact Romney's "charitable" largesse is mostly felt by the Mormon Church, so it's not so much charity as doctrinal duty.  And he magnanimously decided not to report all of tax-deductible contributions so that he could continue to claim he never paid less than 13% in federal taxes.  As you know, Mr. Romney makes more every year just sitting on his magic underwear than the combined lifetime earnings of everyone reading this.  Did you know that the Mormon Church doesn't tell its members how it spends their money?  Did you know that the Mormon Church won't disclose its finances to the government of the United States?  Guess that's where Willard learned his fiscal manners.
As for Paul "I-wouldn't-know-the-truth-if-it-bit-me-in-the-ass" Ryan, he showed us just what he's made of as he babbled well-rehearsed talking points all night.  The one thing that came right from his heart was his rabid anti-choice position.  The Supreme Court according to Rand Ryan has no authority since they are merely unelected officials.  I wonder if he felt that way when they handed George W. Bush his illegitimate "presidency" in 2000.  With any luck he will live out the rest of his days in shamed obscurity alongside the sparkling lightweights Dan Quayle, Admiral Stockwell, Joe Lieberman and Sarah Palin, who is now trying to cash in on her dwindling celebrity with a book on throwing-fits fitness.  I hope Ryan's chance to do the same will come sooner than later.  He certainly is physically fit.  And after all, what more could you want from a vice president.
It's no wonder Joe Biden couldn't stop laughing during his debate with Goober.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.


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