Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gimme That Old Time Revision

Obama: I disagree with you Governor Romney.
Romney: Romney? Who you calling Romney? Who ever said my name was Romney? What you talkin' 'bout Willis?
Electionville, 2012
October 4, 2012
Willard "Etch-a-Sketch" Romney came out loaded for bear in his first 2012 debate with an actual human.  He was sharp, his hair was perfect, he was pumped.  He was downright uppity.  He was clearly lying in wait; then he was just clearly lying. 
The man whose face you see in the Guinness Book of World Records for Campaign Liars quickly let loose with one of his well-rehearsed zingers, accusing Obama of being dishonest saying, "Look, I have five boys, I'm used to people saying something that isn't always true and keep on saying it hoping ultimately I will believe it.”  Talk about the pot calling the kettle boy. 
This is the same guy who tried to lie about his skin color when he spoke to an all Hispanic audience a few weeks ago.  He may have overdone it a bit, ending up almost as dark as Obama, although clearly much more orange.

Luckily he had enough time to whiten back up before the big debate where contrast would be crucial having given up any hope of getting any non-white votes:

It was easy for Obama to appear to be short on facts since Romney’s details and positions change more often than the price of a gallon of gas.  Whenever Obama thought he had Romney pinned down on some well-established policy position, Romney simply changed everything you thought you knew about his position.  Willard is the guy who in February 2012 said, “I’m not familiar precisely with exactly what I said but, I stand by what I said whatever it was.”  The difference now is that he will never again stand by anything he ever said or might say at any time in the future.

The only thing we know for sure about Willard Romney is that he won’t be showing us any more tax returns because that might be construed as, you know, honest or something.  Willard had to provide the McCain campaign ten years of returns after Romney failed miserably in his first presidential bid in the 2008 primary and then lost his vice-presidential bid to half-term, half-wit Sarah Palin.  Romney also demanded ten years of tax returns from Boy Wonderbread Paul Ryan before ruining Ryan’s career (thanks for that at least) by selecting him as his running mate, thereby exposing Ryan, his lies and his magical math to the entire country.  Romney’s father disclosed twelve years of tax returns during his bid for the presidency in 1967.
After watching the ease with which Romney creates a new reality at the drop of a hat, I hope we can all work together to avoid a Romney presidency and let lying dogs sleep.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment (and whiter whites) invited.


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