Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Third Time's A Scam

All Policy Is Foreign To W. Mitt Romney
My Kingdom For A Horse And A Bayonet 

Boca Raton, FL
October 24, 2012
Sorry for the delay but it took me this long to stop spinning like a gyroscope after watching Romney’s prodigious pirouetting over the course of the last two debates, especially that third one.  I wonder if he gets dizzier than usual doing this.  I don’t know how Obama kept his eyes on old Willard without getting motion sickness.  Mr. Flip-Flop was whirling like Looney Toons’ Tazmanian Devil hopped up on Meth, minus Taz’s charm.  Nonetheless, Obama dispatched Romney like Cassius Clay manhandling Sonny Liston.  If the third Obama vs. Romney debate had been a boxing match, the magic underwear towel would have surely come flying into the ring from the Romney corner.
I do feel sorry for Mr. Bush Romney.  The theme of the debate was after all Foreign Policy and policy of any kind is clearly foreign to Willard, especially when it involves foreign.  If we had any doubts about Willard’s grasp of the world-outside-his-magic-underwear-shoes, he forcefully and permanently put them to rest on Monday night.  Willard 3.0 apparently didn’t have the time to formulate new positions so he just repeated whatever Obama said, or in some way echoed the policies already in place.  All of course completely at odds with everything he had been parroting up until that time.  Romney is in the last throes, if you will, of trying to appeal to the undecided regular folks in Medieval America, but his new Obama-lite foreign-policy-like babblings are confusing the compromise-intolerant rabble still sitting at home scratching their heads and asses simultaneously. 
Romney is admittedly not interested in foreign affairs, other than the wonderful missionary position he assumed while living in comfy digs with a chef and all the amenities, avoiding the Vietnam draft thanks to the special Mormon deferment loophole.  I say missionary position because obviously it is the job of a missionary in that position to try to fuck everyone in their path using the same worn-out posturing to con them into joining his church - dead or alive.  Willard’s other international experience includes the considerable fortune he has amassed by sending an untold number of American jobs and companies to China to pad his secretive fortune, a fortune which itself has considerable experience with international affairs as it turns out.
Bush’s Romney’s foreign policy team includes such recycled dim bulbs as Dan Senor, who previously acted as the Bilge-Meister of Baghdad while plying his only actual foreign policy duties during the Bush/Cheney years as spokesman for the moronically incompetent Coalition Provisional Authority chief Paul Bremmer during the good old days in Iraq.  The Sultan of Spin has also retained the services of War Monger extraordinaire and all-around mental midget John Bolton to help formulate Romney’s wars foreign policy.  Conversely, the President, for this occasion, apparently relied on former brilliant comedian/author Al Franken, now a U.S. senator from Minnesota, to combat the ever-elusive Willard of Wigglesworth. 
Obama tried to explain many things to Willard who mostly sat there looking like he was fighting off some serious diarrhea.  And not the kind with which we are all familiar that happens when his mouth opens.  Nobody in their right mind found Romney a credible Commander in Chief based on his performance, and I do mean performance, during the third and final debate.  After the debate Romney mewed, “I thought what the president was saying was pretty good, but I knew many Americans would think it sounded better coming from me – I’m white.”  Willard the Mirage is on the wane.  Unto this mighty Mor(m)on I say, feel free to fade completely from view until all that remains visible is your bogus Cheshire Cat grin.  Apologies to the Cheshire Cat.
All we can hope for now is that the myriad Bain-owned voting machines are not allowed to create their own vote counts in the swing states on November 6th.  We need an army of international observers to assure a legitimate vote count.  Unlike rape, there are in fact illegitimate elections here in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  Do the name George W. Bush ring a bell?  Even America has no way of shutting that whole thing down after being illegitimately electioneered.  I guess it’s just another method of conception election according to the likes of vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.  Especially if someone is illegitimately "elected" and it is God's intention that they become "president" anyway.
R.I.P. George McGovern  July 19, 1922 - October 21, 2012
Keep plenty of Votegra handy.  Don’t let Electile Dysfunction ruin your Election Day.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment (and a legitimate election) invited.

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