Saturday, October 8, 2016

Does He Kiss His Daughter With That Mouth?

A Real Handful

Excess Hollywood
October 8, 2016
I just can’t figure this thing out. To flee or not to flee that is the question. Many people are saying that I have been a bit obsessed with this Chrump thing. I don’t know why people would say something like this, but I read all the internets and I think I saw it somewhere, or someone told me, so I assume it must be true. It is painful to watch and painful to write about and I apologize for dragging you into this with me. That being said, as I had almost finished the report below, the One-Man Insane Clown Posse has outdone himself. As Category 5 storm Matthew prepared to batter the southeast coast of the United States, a Category Chrump Shit Storm blanketed the news. Though less devastating to life and property, this latest disclosure might put a permanent dent in the Candidate From Hell. Let me give you this excerpt straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth:
“I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I am automatically attracted to beautiful women – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star you can do anything, they let you do it…grab them by the p****. I can do any of that.”
Yes ladies and gentlemen there you have it, vintage Don Chrump on a hot mic with Access Hollywood circa 2005, talking about a married woman he was…shall we say pursuing…a few months after marrying his third soon-to-be-ex-wife Melania. I assume she has already signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Daughter Ivanka, who daddy Don has verbally groped on television and who he groped on stage at the RNC said this past May, “He's not a groper. He has total respect for women.” I hope she has a really good therapist.
Daddy dearest
Just for good luck, and this must be why the blacks love him so much, Chrump recently said he still believes that the Central Park Five (four black and one Hispanic – all teens), wrongly convicted of raping the Central Park Jogger and later exonerated, are guilty. Chrump at the time of the high profile crime, called for a reinstatement of the death penalty and rained hate down on these young boys. Obviously he was right, the actual perpetrator confessed for fun thirteen years later (in 2002) and the DNA that corroborated his confession were wrong. Nobody knows more about the justice system – law and order if you will – than Don Chrump.
It’s Official Now
Those Russian hackers mentioned below were officially accused by the Obama administration of carrying out an extensive hacking operation in an effort to interfere with the 2016 elections. Many people are saying that Obama is just angry because Putin likes Chrump more than him. According to Chrump, “Obama will never get away with this. He is grandstanding and trying to scare the American people with Russian hackers. I was the one who said the election would be rigged if I don’t win, so he’s just trying to say it will be rigged if I do win. What a loser. Why does Obama pick on the Russians? They never bothered anyone. Is he just jealous that they have a stronger leader? Many people are saying that. Many people. We’ll see. Mark my words, it was not the Russians. It could be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay? Believe me.”
I. Mangrey reporting. It’s not my fault.                                        

Business As Unreal

October 6, 2016

The Republican’t candidate for president is clearly mellowing as he enters the last throes of the 2016 Election Era. Addressing one of the few minorities he has not brutally and repeatedly insulted, the Orange Oaf reached out with the kind of empathy and touching words that shows he really cares. “I don’t care how sick you are. I don’t care if you just came back from the doctor and he gave you the worst possible prognosis, meaning it’s over. You won’t be around in two weeks. Doesn’t matter. Hang out ‘til November 8th get out and vote.” Yes he actually said that. He really does care…about himself. Only. Always.
Chrump is a faux businessman who started out on third base, always claiming he hit a triple and by most accounts is now somehow back on first base. He continually shrieks about how America needs someone like Donald Chrump who understands business in the White House to Make America Whatever Again. Let us assume for the sake of argument that Con…I mean Don understands business. Ouch, it hurt to even formulate that thought. Maybe I am mistaken, but I seem to recall another candidate – one who despite the will of the people ended up residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – who also claimed great business sense and who also benefitted more from a family fortune than any trace of business acumen or mental ability. He was touted as the CEO president, which we were told would be so much better than all those incompetent lawyer presidents like Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Lincoln and Clinton – to name only a few. Both Chrump and The Other Guy eschewed education. Both have obvious attention issues. Chrump miraculously lost close to a billion dollars running casinos (and thinks that qualifies him as a genius). The Other Guy couldn’t find oil in Texas. Oh, and his administration helped cause the worst recession since the Great Depression. Yes, more of that please.
At least The Other Guy had family and friends who knew their way around politics. Sure every last one of them was an insane, war-mongering sociopath, but hey, no one is perfect. Chrump has surrounded himself with the likes of Chris Christie who is on the verge of being impeached and/or being indicted for his role in Bridgegate and bankrupting New Jersey, Rudy Giuliani racist former mayor of New York who couldn’t string five words together without grousing about “9/11” suddenly forgot it ever happened while blaming Obama for the birth of terrorism on American soil, Newt Gingrich whose own party threw him under the bus, bringing an early, unceremonious end to his time as Speaker of the House, a team of ultra-right wing racists, and Vladimir Putin who is busy hacking everything from the DNC to multiple state voter registration databases just as Chrump asked.
Turds of a feather
All I can do is leave you with this…

I. Mangrey reporting. Resistance is futile.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA


  1. My plan? Vote early and often, then hit myself over the head with a ball peen hammer and wake up on the 9th.
    Because why is this even close?
