Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Not-So-Great Chrumpkin

Well, That Happened

Less Vegas
October 20, 2016
Last night's debate was clearly rigged. The dishonest media allowed Chrump to talk, right out of his face sphincter. Why didn't anyone try to stop him? Nonetheless Chrump won this third debate little hands down. He undoubtedly out-Chrumped himself. He sniffed and he whiffed and he blew himself up. He showed that he still knows less than nothing about just about every important topic. And that is his brand. Chrump is fighting for ignorance, ineptitude and insanity. He is proud of who he is and he made that abundantly clear in the final debate.
Most important, Chrump refused to say he would accept the results of the election, instead offering that he would see what he thinks when the time comes. Many people are talking about this. Actually, everybody is talking about this. I guarantee that all of Chrump’s handlers, trainers and veterinarians worked feverishly to ensure their candidate would not respond to whether or not he would accept the election results with, “What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense. Ok?” I would bet that any other answer would have been more acceptable to those advising Donnybrook. After the debate campaign manager Kellyanne Conway looked like she had just been thrown under a bus or perhaps spent several harrowing minutes alone with her candidate and his tiny, grabby hands and lips. Also, many people are wondering if Don has been able to remove both feet from his mouth this morning. Chrump’s campaign has not responded to requests for confirmation. I am happy not to tell him just yet, but many, many people are saying that he has already lost.
So to all those doubters out there, wake up and smell the Chrump. The most inexperienced, incomprehensible, ignorant, insincere creature ever to enter – seriously or otherwise – presidential politics won this final, critical debate as only he could. He has cemented his place in American politics as surely as mobsters of old cemented the shoes of their rivals and to similar effect. In this final faceoff Chrump inarguably managed to keep his first and most cherished, if completely disingenuous campaign promise – he successfully completed the most beautiful wall we have ever seen. The wall between Don Chrump and the American electorate.
I. Mangrey reporting.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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