Sunday, August 13, 2017

The (White) Race to The Bottom

Unite the Wrong

August 13, 2017
Well, this just happened.
Protesting in Charlottesville, VA’s Emancipation Park*, by the statue of Robert E. Lee – just that sink in for a moment – a torch wielding, let’s say gathering, of angry white (supremacist) people not-so-peaceably assembled to stand up for white power. First, imagine a crowd of black men doing that. Second, imagine a crowd of black men doing that. The police stood by as the, let’s say all white mob, chanted nazi and other slogans as they confronted an anti-racist protest. The violence culminated, for now, with a white terrorist taking a play out of the ISIS playbook, plowing his car through the anti-hate crowd, killing three and injuring dozens.
A dozen white nationalist terror groups claimed sponsorship of the “Unite the Right” rally. Some were simply local racists who miss the good old days of the Confederacy. Others included out-of-town Nazis, armed and ready for some good old-fashioned mayhem. Also in attendance was former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke who said, “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.” Duke also called the racist hate-a-palooza “a turning point”.
America, August 12, 2017. Two thousand and seventeen.
Thanks to Chrump (and others of course) America is so great already that these torch carrying gentlemen don’t even need to wear their hoods. Make America White Again. Chrump addressed the nation as if he was a child reading someone else’s book report on a book he never even heard of. When will this president say the words Radical White Terrorism? What is he afraid of…losing his base?
Springtime for Chrumpler
Just be stupid, not a smartie, come and join Der Furor’s party.
Der Furor was quick to absolve himself of blame. He read the following words, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides.” Many sides? How many are there? It has been going on for a long time in our country – not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America.” Except that it has a prominent place in America. And you “sir” have done everything in your power to aid and abet its most recent ascendance. You have helped make the world safe for assholes, inflaming hatred throughout your life, campaigning on it, bringing it lock, stock and orange barrel into the People’s House, and packing your administration with bigots, racists and ignorance. Some might see this as deplorable.
*Formerly Robert E. Lee Park, with the statue of its namesake scheduled to be removed by popular consent

I. Mangrey reporting. Deplorable is as deplorable does.


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