Wednesday, August 9, 2017

This Guy Is a Crook

I Come to Pile On Chrump, Not to Praise Him

Russiagate Hotel
August 9, 2017

As Resignation Day(s) 2017 fades into the sunset, please enjoy the following quote, and pray to the god of your choice that we have an even better resignation – maybe the best ever – before the calendar brings us back to Resignation Day(s) 2018. Here’s wishing you and yours, if nothing else in these deplorable times, a moment’s peace.
“I would like to add a personal word with regard to an issue that has been of great concern to all Americans over the past year. I refer of course to the investigation of the so-called Watergate affair. I believe the time has come to bring the investigation, and the other investigations of this matter, to an end. One year of Watergate is enough.”
                 Richard M. Nixon, State of the Union Address, January 1974
It was not enough for many Americans, including me.
Grating Expectations
How appropriate that Chrump should speak at the commissioning of the USS Gerald R. Ford. Chrump no doubt considers Ford one of the greatest presidents of all time. No president ever did as much for democracy, the Constitution and the America people as when Gerald R. Ford, un-elected president, with even less of the popular vote than Chrump, appointed by the man who needed his pardon, did pardon his benefactor Richard Nixon.
“I am proud to be with you today to launch this great boat, named for a great, great president – Gerald R. Ford. Many people don’t know this, but Ford was actually not elected president. Did you know this? I did, but many people did not know this. He did not even win the Electoral College vote, which I won by the biggest margin of all time. It was incredible. Believe me. You won’t see that in the dishonest fake media. Gerald Ford did one of the most incredible things ever done by any president. He did one of the greatest presidential pardons of all time. Back then, the fake news and the fake Senate sub-committee, led by the fake Sam Ervin, destroyed the presidency of a great man – Richard Nixon. Nixon was very honored to meet me a number of years ago and we became very good friends. Ford did a terrific pardon for Nixon. I can tell you now that I will be doing even better pardons than Ford ever did. Maybe a big boat will be named after me, once history realizes what an amazing president I am being. My pardon will be bigger and much, much better than what Ford did. I will be pardoning so many people. So many very good people. People like my son, who is a very good boy, Don, Jr. – but not Eric. There is no excuse for Eric. I will also be doing an excellent pardon for my beautiful daughter, who I love very much – Ivanka – but not Tiffany; I’m not even sure she’s really my daughter. Also, I will be doing a very big pardon for the man I trust to have sex with my Ivanka, since I am not supposed to be doing that with her…though I sure would like to. Know what I mean? But only if she was not my daughter...or if no one was watching.” Chrump babbled on and on for another hour or so and even those who have studied the transcripts have no idea what the hell he was talking about most of the time. The rest of the time they were scared to death.
I am a crook. So sue me.
Chrump threatened that he might have tapes in order to intimidate a witness. Nixon had tapes but chose not to brag about them on Twitter. Nixon was so intent on keeping his tapes secret that he did everything in his power to deny their existence, going so far as to erase over 18 minutes of the juiciest tidbits.
Neither man had a firm grip on reality. Both men had volcanic hatred of their fellow man. And both men were vengeful sociopaths. Chrump called the media the “enemy of the American people.” Nixon had a similar assessment of the media, “Never forget, the press is the enemy…Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it.”

Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President, which his people called CREEP (I guess irony did not exist in the 1970s) was not satisfied that their man was miles ahead in his re-election bid in 1972. Interesting historical footnote: CREEP, it turned out was a much better acronym than the originally planned – Committee to Redirect Operations Obliterating Kennedy, or CROOK. In what he determined was necessary to assure his victory over George McGovern, Nixon hired Cubans - Cuba of course was a proxy for the Soviet Union - to break into the Watergate Hotel in order to spy on the Democrats’ headquarters. Chrump hates Cuba and so went instead to the source and brought in Russian hackers to supply damaging intelligence on the Democrats.
When Can We Not Have Donald Chrump to Kick Around Anymore?
Florida hacked the 2000 election for George W. Bush, who was under the spell of one Dick Cheney. That election resulted in Al Gore winning the popular vote, and then “losing” the Electoral College after the Supreme Court halted the vote count in Florida, after the Florida Secretary of State purged the voter rolls of tens of thousands of Black voters and then we were expected to believe that thousands of elderly Jews voted for anti-Semite Pat Buchanan. Ah, the good old days. In 2016 we had to outsource our election tampering to Russia.
Turds of a feather
It is beginning to look as though Chrump/Russiagate is going to make Watergate look like, to quote one Richard Nixon, “a third-rate burglary”. I have admittedly never said a kind word about Nixon, but at least he had the good taste to resign in disgrace – though he did not appear to internalize that disgrace, and that is a shame. One can only hope that he suffered horribly in private. Also, Nixon never bragged about grabbing pussy.
I. Mangrey reporting. Forget Deep Throat, welcome to Deep Shit.                                                                                                        

Longest winter ever

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