Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ryan Runs From His Life

Now Who Will Stand For Ayn Rand?

April 11, 2018
Gutless gym-rat (emphasis on the rat) and Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan is calling it quits…about 20 years too late if you ask me. Ryan announced that, since it looks very likely that he will lose his re-election bid this coming November, he would not seek another term as the Koch Brothers’ representative of in Wisconsin. Ryan told reporters, “I like to think I've done my part,” after his tireless and tiresome work passing the recent horrific. The incredibly Rand-ian tax cut was designed to con the poor and middle class, while heaping more wealth on those who already had more than enough.
Ryan might seem to be out of our hair for good, but he will be running for president in 2024. This is why he is bailing now. He knows Chrump is captain of the Titanic that is the Republican’t party, making re-election difficult even for GOPers not nearly as unpopular as Ryan is right now. And he cannot afford to lose his seat, especially while he is Speaker if he wants to be president. Although it is quite possible that the Kochs or their fellow travelers will make Ryan an offer he cannot refuse that will make him richer than Donald Chrump.
Anyone who has spent any time watching the Wisconsin Weasel knows that he would much rather stay in his job in order to gut Medicare and Social Security. No one, of course, should pay any attention to the fact that from the time of his father's death, when Ryan was 16, until his 18th birthday, Ryan received Social Security survivor’s benefits. He used his benefits for his college education (which he clearly wasted, spending most of his time drunk on Ayn Rand and dreaming about killing Medicare while “drinking out of kegs”). Good thing people like Ryan were unable to kill Social Security back then. Ryan himself fought diligently to ensure that no one benefit from Social Security the way he did. Ayn Rand would be so proud.
A young Paul Ryan imagines what stupid adult he will be
In 2005, Paul Ryan attended a gathering to celebrate Ayn Rand’s 100th birthday, which she was fortunately not around to enjoy. He declared Rand’s philosophy was “the reason I got involved in public service.” Ryan said Rand was “required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff…I give out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it.”*
Rare photo of Ryan with his Ayn Rand hairdo
On his way out the door, after 20 mostly worthless years in Congress, Ryan answered a reporter’s question about the possible firing of Robert Mueller, “I have no reason to believe that that is going to happen and I have assurances that it’s not.” Those assurances, according to Ryan were rock solid, “Because I’ve been talking to people in the White House about it.” As we all know, the reliability of this White House legendary.
I. Mangrey rippin’ Ryan. He left us much too late.
*If you need more detail on the outgoing human outhouse, we covered this subject in nauseating detail in 2012.


  1. By the way, the relentlessly obstinate and self-righteous Rand, after all that hootin' and hollerin' about "individualism", blah blah blah, herself took to the dreaded Medicare and Social Security toward the end of her useless life. So much for "objectivism". Ptui.

  2. Indeed. Covered here on Aug 15, 2012. Her name was fake, her life was fake, her philosophy was fake...and she was...wait for it...a Russian.
