Sunday, July 7, 2019

Double Thought For The Day

The RepubliCo Party
July 7, 2019
Republican’ts are running into some resistance – though not from five Supreme Court Justices – in their quest to eliminate non-white voting.  It is undisputed fact that Republican’ts have despised electoral politics since the Emancipation Proclamation, and perhaps more so since women were finally granted the right to vote.  Female suffrage was particularly problematic since many women are white, which makes disenfranchising them much more challenging – hence the brutal redistricting and attempts to weaponize the Constitutionally mandated and protected Census.  To co-opt a phrase – By any means necessary.
Whether gerrymandering or illegally rigging the Census, Republican’ts have been plying this theme since the end of the Civil War…and of course, when the Republican’ts were the Democrats – before the Civil War.  Don’t be surprised when they announce they are considering another way to weight the system in favor of white people.  Republican’ts are working on language that will allow the Supreme Court to sanction having the votes of non-whites count as 3/5 of a vote.  What the heck, it was good enough for our Founding Fathers.
Our reporting has also uncovered plans by RepubliCo to allow corporations (like RepubliCo itself) to vote as people.  The idea is to find a way to provide more votes for larger corporations and somewhat fewer for smaller ones.  Kind of like, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs – only upside down and backwards.
This Just In(sane)
Not many people knew the real story of how the Revolutionary War ended, until they heard the real story during Donald Chrump’s Super Ego Military (oh yeah, and Fourth of July) Extravaganza brought to you involuntarily by your very own tax dollars.  The historically challenged (and I mean that in every way possible) Chrump told the nation that George Washington achieved final victory in the Revolutionary War of 1812 because his “army manned the air, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.”  Once victory was achieved, the Continental Army landed on the moon and claimed America for white people.
This has been your Paying Attention Double Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What are your thoughts for the day?

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