Monday, July 15, 2019

Of Balls and Courts

Courting Disaster

July 15, 2019
As part of the DC Circuit Court appeal hearing to determine whether Congress has the power to investigate a president, Chrump’s mouthpieces are trying to convince a judge that the House Oversight Committee lacks any power to look into the president’s personal finances.
Judge Millett: Imagine you have in the future, the most corrupt President known to humankind openly flaunting, doing it.  What law could Congress pass?
Mouthpiece for Chrump: I can’t think of one…
I. Mangrey: Is that because you are incapable of coherent thought?  Is it because you are worried about saying the wrong thing and incurring the wrath of your extremely unstable, non-genius boss?  And judge, should we assume you were being ironic?  The “most corrupt president known to humankind openly flaunting, doing it”…“in the future?”  Is this criminal clod not corrupt enough to fit your description?  Right here, right now?
For his part, Chrump insisted, contrary to all evidence, that he is a good little boy who never did anything wrong, and it turns out, has “rights at a level that nobody has ever seen before.”  Is he saying that there are sections in the Constitution that have never been seen before, which confer magical powers to this president.  Perhaps they were written in invisible ink.  Apparently, no other president, nor the thousands of lawyers, Constitutional scholars and political experts were sufficiently stable geniuses to ferret out these super-secret presidential powers.
Chrump shared some of his most delusional moronic thoughts, “Rod Rosenstein and Bill Barr said there’s no obstruction.  And also interesting: Number one, there’s no crime.  And how do you obstruct when there’s no crime?  Also, take a look at one other thing.  It’s a thing called ‘Article II.’  Nobody ever mentions Article II.  It gives me all of these rights at a level that nobody has ever seen before.  We don’t even talk about Article II.  So: They ruled no collusion, no obstruction.  Very simple.”
Apparently, Der Furor just discovered Article II of the Constitution.  By discovered, of course, I mean that one of his 500 lawyers rubbed his nose in it – in part to attempt to teach the old dog a new trick, in part to get him to stop pissing and shitting on the Constitution.  Naturally, Article II, like most other writings longer than 280 characters, with concepts beyond the grasp of most fifth graders, was too complex for the Child-in-chief to understand.  However, Chrump clearly got the point that Article II has something to do with presidential powers and that if he said the words “Article II” enough times, it would impress his dimly lit minions – most of whom are as clueless about Article II as their intellectually idle idol.
Speaking of Courts…
The Supreme Court and others have made it clear that the Chrumpublicans’ plan to use the Census to make America white again was not – for those who believe in laws – legal.  That is likely to be nothing more than an inconvenience for such a dedicated and hateful bunch of white supremacists.
Chrump’s Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley:  “We looked at inserts, we looked at all types of options.  And the president said: ‘Listen. I’m not going to be beholden to courts anymore. I have the legal authority to find out this information. The American people deserve to know it. So I’m moving forward with this method.”
Not going to be beholden to courts anymore.  Anymore?  When will someone stand up to this cowardly bully?
Speaking of Balls…
The so-called president, who has no balls – figuratively speaking, as far as we know – took to Twitter to show off his racist bona fides once again.  It is not like anyone doubted or needed reminding of what a pathetic, brain-dead bigot we are dealing with.  Der Furor shat out a series of tweets attacking four high-profile non-white congresswomen for speaking their minds.  All four were elected in 2018 and have been butting heads with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as the Butthead-in-chief.  Three of the four are natural-born Americans and the fourth is a naturalized citizen. 
Apparently, Chrump The Birther cannot fathom people of color actually being born in America, nor can he fathom the raison d’ĂȘtre for this nation.  No, it is not slavery and racism.  No, it is not genocide and racism.  It is, at least in theory, E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one.  Very few of us can trace our distant ancestry back to this land.  Those who can, have little or no power to wield, and practically nothing left of their birthright. 
Notice the 140,334 likes and weep
Naturally, in order to keep the four-year erection going for his racist base, Chrump then demanded apologies from these women for their “foul language & racist hatred.”  As always, and this cannot be repeated too often, the bloated man-baby is talking about himself.  The only surprise is that he did not call them misogynists.
This is what racists look like:
At the very least, racist enablers – except
the one on the right – actual racist
 Oh, and this guy:
Yes, me racist.  What of it?

And this is what a misogynist sounds (and looks) like:
Nice fake-tan and fake-tan line, pale face

I. Mangrey restraining.  Hold me back.

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