Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thought For The Day

President Psycho Killer, Qu'est-ce Que C'est
April 15, 2020
He’s Talking All The Time, He’s Not Saying Anything
Donald Chrump continues his nightly psychotic episodes wherein he alternately verbally fondles himself and verbally assaults reporters who refuse him similar treatment.  I refuse to watch more than a minute or two – not consecutively mind you – just to remind myself that I still cannot believe this rotting bag of meat is pissing all over the White House.
Chrump, hardly at work as usual
America’s Cartoon-in-chief gave a lesson on the Constitutional powers of the presidency when questioned about how states will handle re-opening for business.  In case you’re wondering, according the world inside Chrump’s Crayola cranium, “The president of the United States has the authority to do what the president has the authority to do, which is very powerful…When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total.  And that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
Monday’s task farce briefing devolved into a series of verbal brawls between Chrump and reporters, but not before Chrump played a lengthy campaign propaganda video featuring out-of-context quotes and clips purported to show how all the governors love him, what a great job he is doing and how horrible the media is.  I thought it was illegal to campaign from the White House, but what do I know?  I still think the Constitution means something.  Must be the corona.
A Chrump’s-eye view of Chrump
In between his daily tantrums, hours of insane tweeting and even more hours of watching and/or calling in to Fux News, Il Douche found a few minutes to cut funding to the World Health Organization because (AMAZINGLY IRONIC PROJECTION ALERT) they were derelict in their response to the coronavirus pandemic.  Chrump continues to claim with a great deal of confidence and an even greater deal of psychosis that he has done a perfect job managing this crisis.  Your umbrage may vary.
The good news is, President Death has decided, finally, to share some of his stockpile of ventilators with people dying of COVID-19.  I guess I know who I’m voting for come November. 

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

It seems Chrump wants to delay relief payments to Americans by having his name appear on each check.  Isn’t America great enough already?


  1. Did you see his face when his face was on the teevee?? Like a little child..

    1. I try to avoid looking directly at his face. For me it's the psycho-emotional equivalent of looking at a solar eclipse.
