Sunday, April 19, 2020

Viled In The Streets

America Worst

April 19, 2020
Who (doesn’t wish they) could forget the Tea Party movement that oozed into the House of Representatives during the Obama years?  Those clever devils who wanted Obama’s birth certificate and wanted the government’s hands off their Medicare.  Such dimly lit bulbs like Louie Gohmert, Steve King and Joe “You Lie” Wilson still remain in Congress though most of the original muttonheads have receded into the general populace.  Current Senate sympathizers include Moscow Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and ex-senator/ex-attorney general and now-senate-wannabe Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.
Stable geniuses before it was popular
The Tea Party has since been seamlessly blended into what is now the Chrumpublican Party.  The same mental deficiency coupled with the same covert funding behind the Tea Party has spawned a new movement – the Pandemicans, a Pro-COVID pandemic movement.  It appears these pro-virus protesters are angry that Democratic governors – particularly in Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia (states Chrump desperately needs to win) – are preventing people from contracting a deadly virus.  Naturally, these gatherings of goons include firearms, MAGA hats and Confederate flags because, why the hell wouldn’t they.  These are many of the same people who graced Charlottesville with their make-America-white-again-Jews-will-not-replace-us shitshow in 2018.  The current group tantrum is mostly funded and orchestrated by the DeVos crime family.  Once again, there are very fine people on one side.
Naturally, Republican’t governors – like Ron DeSantis (FL) – do it better,
except he forgot to run the other loop around his ball sack
Give Me Liberty And Give Me Death

These cringeworthy, churlish Chrumpers are out there standing shoulder-to-shoulder, rubbing noses, tongues and whatever to protest the most proven weapon against the novel coronavirus – extreme social distancing.  We are being asked to stay home and to maintain a safe physical distance when needing to be among our fellow potential virus victims.
This is the opposite of social distancing as well as intelligence,
don’t know if they eat brains, but they sure don’t have any
Some of these super geniuses are simultaneously obeying
and protesting against the prescribed protective measures.
Long-time professional idiot and current advisor to President Death Stephen Moore told the Washington Post, “I call these people the modern-day Rosa Parks – they are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties.”  Other than the fact that some of these Rosa Parkses were waving Confederate flags and wearing the signature hats of a racist autocrat who they adore unconditionally, someone should tell these freedumb fighters that this is not meant to be a permanent state of affairs, and that this is a desperate attempt to keep them from getting sick and possibly dying.  This is not an attempt to keep them off the streets permanently, though that might not be such a bad idea given their level of social intelligence.
Chrump, rather than showing support for governors bravely doing what experts insist is necessary – governors who he left twisting in the wind by abdicating any responsibility to oversee the pandemic response – is instead siding with these new freedumb fighters, or as we say in the business – inciting them. 

Really?  LIBERATE?  I do not think this word means what these rubes think it means.  And really?  “Save your great 2nd Amendment”?  Exactly what the fuck has that got to do with anything you sick fuck?  The only things under siege right now are sanity, reality and a government of, by and for the people.  Clearly President Death is not yet satisfied with his body count and is looking for ways to generate more corpses.  They are after all not people to him, just numbers that he thinks can make him look either bad or good. 
Many Chrumpers must be upset that mass shootings seem to be on hold during this pandemic.  Don’t worry Chrump children, murder and mayhem will return before you know it – as soon as this virus miraculously just goes away by Easter.  For now, just keep rubbing up against each other and coughing in unison.  Just stay the fuck away from the rest of us.
In order to maximize the damage he is doing, President Death has taken to delaying the start of his daily press barfings in order to bleed over into prime time and lie to as large an audience as possible.  Because he cares so much about the people, I mean the ratings.  To all the major news networks out there, please stop broadcasting Putin’s Poodle’s preposterous press.  Just as soap kills the virus on our hands, lack of air time will help quash the infection that is Donald Chrump.
I. Mangrey reporting.  We live in interesting times.

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