Monday, July 20, 2020

Unmasking Anti-Maskers

Let Freedom...Whatever

July 20, 2020
“It’s one thing to be a moron and to be a racist, but now you’re killing us.”
Rob Reiner on Donald Chrump, July 19, 2020

Far too many Chrump supporters are screaming, punching, throwing hissy fits in stores, and shooting off more than their mouths over what they fret are violations of their rights and freedoms. The heinous violations of which they shriek, are the demands by officials and experts for everyone to wear a mask when in public spaces. The purpose of wearing a mask, which people with brains know, is to protect the rights and freedoms of fellow citizens who are trying not to die from what enters their personal space because some infected idiot refused to wear a mask. Just because you think you live in your own little world, does not make it so. The rest of us can still hear, see, smell and become infected by you.
More poor spelling from Chrumpworld: should read i-d-i-o-c-y
He’s Doing A Terrorific Job
Donald Chrump recently sent secret forces into Portland, Oregon to quell, well no one knows exactly what needed quelling in Portland. There was no request for assistance let alone from masked shock troops dressed in camouflage, military/riot gear and assault weapons to storm the streets of an American city, and abduct law abiding citizens engaged in peaceful protest – if that. One person, standing in the street apparently brandishing a sound speaker, was shot in the head with “a non-lethal round”, fracturing his face and skull, nearly killing him.
These paramilitary troops are supposedly part of Customs and Border Protection. Not sure what Border they are protecting – shouldn’t they be making sure the wall at the Mexican border isn’t falling over? Shouldn’t they be obeying Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown who called the incursion “an extraordinary abuse of power”? Both Governor Brown and Portland Mayor Mayor Ted Wheeler have demanded that Chrump withdraw his thugs and take their unwanted, unnecessary, violent political street theater with them.
The invasion of Portland, Oregon in Chrump’s dystopian America
For all we know, these are mercenaries hired by Chrump to terrorize citizens and foment violence. Chrump is sowing hatred, fear, division and chaos in order to augment the usual Republican’t electoral felonies so that he and they may maintain their choke hold on democracy. Republican’ts have had their knee on the neck of America for longer than nine minutes, and the air is quickly being squeezed out of our lungs, the last gasp being closer than we realize.
So, the MAGAt crowd is freaking out about having to wear a fucking mask for a little while, but they sit silently by, waving their Confederate flags, and flipping off the Constitution as Dear Leader launches violent, terrorist attacks against American citizens, on American soil because of graffiti…or something.
Acting Deputy (acting deputy, because he was illegally appointed to the agency last year according to a federal judge) Secretary of Homeland Security and poorly trained rat Ken Cuccinelli told NPR, “this is a posture we intend to continue not just in Portland but in any of the facilities that we’re responsible for around the country. Not only are they not going to stop but they want to take the tactics nationwide.”
Cuccinelli is anti-LGBTQ rights and a long-time white nationalist known for his hardline anti-immigration stance, who actually said out loud, “[virulent racist lunatic] Steve King is one of my very favorite congressmen.”
I wonder how soon we will be forced to breach the Third Amendment and quarter these “soldiers” in our homes without our consent. After all, it’s not the sacred Second Amendment.
Wear a fucking mask or keep your mouth shut;
make that and keep your mouth shut
Just so I have this straight: Masks that protect us and others from dying are destroying our freedom. Heavily armed, unidentified storm troopers in unmarked vans, deployed onto American streets against the wishes of the state’s government to abduct, arrest, terrorize and maim non-criminal citizens are making America great again. Am I missing anything? States’ rights anyone? Fascist much?
Thomas Dolby & Buzz Aldrin – She Blinded Me With Science
I. Mangrey freaking out.

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