Friday, May 28, 2021

An Error Of Commission

Joe Manchin - Overzealous Unicorn Hunter

May 28, 2021

So, when is Joe Manchin going to admit that his fever-dream of bipartisan negotiation to pass legislation is no more likely than lassoing a giant unicorn? Or netting a mermaid? Or Jared Kushner brokering a lasting peace in the Middle East?

Is Manchin just tilting at windbags? Or is the Man of LaManchin just completely ignorant of recent history? Does he have amnesia? Does he not remember self-described "Grim Reaper" of legislation Mitch Fucking McConnell less than one month ago saying “One hundred percent of my focus is on stopping this new administration.”? Does Manchin know what 100% means?

Now that McConnell has cajoled his caucus into opposing the January Sixth Truth Commission “as a personal favor” to him, and Republicans have technically filibustered justice, what will bi-partisan-curious Manchin do? McConnell once favored looking into Turmp’s insurrection where his thugs intended to hang Mike Pence and murder Nancy Pelosi, where they actually caused the death of Capital police officer Brian Sicknick while attempting to overturn an election and make America Turmp’s again. If McConnell is willing to kill the proposed bipartisan investigation into Turmp’s coup attempt for political purposes what does Manchin think McConnell will negotiate on?

The American people are wildly in favor of much, if not all, of what Democrats are trying to do. That is why McConnell can never agree to anything. Most Americans disagree with McConnell, even though a large number of them are simply too ignorant and/or just plain stupid to vote Democratic.

Republicans are the party that went from paying lip service to:

To the party that is capable of nothing other than:

There is something very wrong with Joe Manchin. When asked if he would support ending the filibuster (which someone should remind him, is NOT in the Constitution) if McConnell kills the investigation, the soon-to-be ex-senator from West Virginia replied, “I'm not ready to destroy our government. I'm not ready to destroy our government, no.”

Buy Partisanship

Manchin has it all backwards, or at least stupid. If Manchin and fellow Republican with a “D” after her name, Kyrsten Sinema want to avoid destroying our government they need to stop Mitch McConnell holding it hostage with the Jim Crow filibuster. McConnell has proven more than willing to destroy our government…by using the very filibuster that Manchin is protecting.

Brian Sicknick’s mother just spent a whole day on Capital Hill personally begging GQP senators to vote in favor of the bipartisan commission. If the Senate cannot see its way to stop destroying our government, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer should convene Benghazi-style commissions  – where Republicans will have no say in proceedings – and get on with exposing the truth of the January 6th insurrection. If forced to go it alone, Democrats should be sure to drag these hearings out through the 2022 mid-term elections.

Joe Manchin said, “There is no excuse for any Republican to vote against this [January 6] commission since Democrats have agreed to everything they asked for.” Finally, Joe Manchin said something that made sense. So, when almost every senate Republican does vote against it, Joe Manchin has no excuse for allowing the party that continues to deny that our current president is in fact our current president to destroy our country any further. 

After Fucking McConnell and fellow travelers filibustered the commission, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to hold another vote when the time is right. Six Republicans voted aye, while nine cowardly, anti-American Republicans did not bother to show up for the vote. As for the six who voted in favor, it would not be inappropriately cynical to wonder whether they voted their conscience or because they got permission from Fucking McConnell to do so.

Joe Manchin was “very disappointed, very frustrated.” He is reportedly back out hunting for his Moby Unicorn.

Joe Manchin wouldn’t know a unicorn if it poked his fucking eye out.

I. Mangrey, in search of reality.

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