Monday, May 10, 2021

Meet The McCarthys

Wretched Wrepublicans

May 10, 2021

The Republican party likes to pretend that they are the party of Lincoln. Laughable. Not only because Lincoln’s Republican Party is today’s Democratic Party. Plus, there is one other minor detail – not all Republicans are racists, but almost all racists are Republicans, so Lincoln would be drummed out of today’s group without a second (or first) thought, that is, if one of their progenitors hadn't already blown his brains out.

Republicans would like you to imagine that they are not the party of Nixon. You remember Nixon; he’s the guy who quit like a quitting quitter to avoid the impending impeachment that would have removed him from office. 

Republicans actually were the party of Reagan for a while. Not that there’s anything right with that. And that was one score, one decade and three years ago. around the time when all of Reagan's men were found guilty of trading arms for Iranian hostages. It is in this regard that today’s Republicans are directly and irrevocably descended from Reagan. That, and an almost fanatical devotion to taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich, while claiming to be champions of the middle class, and claiming that trickle-down economics was a real thing.

Never stand behind Turmp when he's farting…or talking

All of those days are over. Republicans are irrevocably, and for the foreseeable future the wholly owned subsidiary of psychotic conman Don Turmp. Ratpublicans are also the party of Joseph McCarthy and his empty-headed dummy Kevin.

Meet The McCarthys: Dumber and Dummy

Republicans are so Turmp-addled that wannabe-Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, along with many other neo-fascist/Amerika Firsters are poised to eliminate ultra-conservative, and third highest ranking Republican Liz Cheney from their ranks. Cheney, whose father once shot a man in the face just to watch him publicly apologize, and did his part to destroy American democracy during his time, dared question Turmp's big lie. Turmp continues to campaign to win the 2020 election while relentlessly flogging the lie that he defeated Joe Biden last November.

May they all rot in hell and, more importantly, the annals of history.

I. Mangrey reporting?

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